Don't be stupid... (Ep.29)

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Before Reding:
Plz check: "The Titans games" (It's like the hunger Games, but with the Titans:) by RaeRaeRoth and more!!

And also! The two winners of our little question from last chapter are.........*drums*...... You will see!!! But they won because everybody wanted them!! So here goes the chapter!!!


Beast Boy's P.O.V:

I almost could feel Trigon's breath on my neck, I shivered, I wrapped my arms around my self, Onix's necklace became warmer, it gave me more energy, then, it started to glow, a drop of light got out and slowly took the form of a lion "Alex?" The white lion nodded "Normally you can't have help, but, This is an exception" I nodded, he continued talking "Onix talked with Terra... She wants to tell you something..." He looked at Terra, She slowly looked at me... "Beast Boy..." I took some steps closer "Beast Boy... if you can hear me..." I turned to Alex "She can't see me?" He nodded "Is just the reflection of her... in real, she is away, very far away..." I looked at Terra again "I'm sorry Beast Boy! I was stupid, I know it now... but it's to late to me to come back... Raven freed me from my stone prison some years ago, But I didn't came back... When you found me... I ignored you... I avoided you... I lied... I wanted to, start from cero, but Trigon possessed me and... I tried to fight it but... I'm sorry!" She looked down at her hands "If you have the choice... then don't chose me... I had to many chances... and now I found peace... Your sister said she will show me the way to paradise" She smiled "And she said, that there is like a second world! She said I could have an other live, and... maybe fall in love... So please Beast Boy... Don't be as stupid as me, and don't chose me" She smiled a last time and looked down again, I whipped my tears, I knew what to do... "I, I chose to bring back to live! Raven Roth and Nico the Angel!" A roar make the place shake violently, when it stopped, Alex was gone, just as Terra...


I know I know... The shorter chapter in my live... but I wanted to update cause my father says I'm to much on my phone, and he's planing of taking me MY phone...... So just in case......
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to like and comment plz!! Love you guys!!!!!! XOXOXO


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