the capture of buffy

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So Angel/Angelus told faith and Giles and his team their plan to capture buffy and that when its their time to do revenge against tara willow xander and anya that they will know and spike is joining forces with his sire and his team and faith and Giles and dawn knows also but you see the reason why buffy doesn't have alot of emotion is because her first protector is not angel her name is Toy wolfie and she is just trying to protect buffy from alot of people and stuff cause buffy was actually in heaven and she thinks that she is in a hell realm with people thats she used to know and Toy wolfie knows Angel/Angelus are buffy's mate and that Giles and Dawn and Spike and Cordelia and Wesley are buffy friends and stuff but she is still be cautious around them.
Toy Wolfie all ready knew that they might to like a spell on buffy or turn her or something so she'll just have to wait and see what happens, because all toy wolfie wants is buffy to be happy and be with her soulmate and if buffy has to become a vampire well she just has to make sure buffy keeps her soul and she will have to make sure loves angel/Angelus again and stuff.

Angel/Angelus wants buffy back Where stories live. Discover now