part three:The plan

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Angel and his crew and faith and spike and once giles is there will come up with a plan to capture buffy and then xander,Willow,tara,and anya so they can fix buffy and torture the other four.
The plan is once they see buffy digging out of her grave they will hit her across the head so that she is unconscious and can't fight them and pick her and drive her to angel's and hers bedroom, they will have to turn into a vampire if the plan doesn't work if they do have to turn her they will talk to the powers about it and see what they think as for the others(Angel,faith,spike,gunn,Cordelia,Wesley,fred,and giles will probably torture them for doing something so stupid as using Dark magic on Buffy)
Angel will be her sire and is already her soulmate so that will be good, Cordelia cant wait til both of her friends are together again and happy even if their both vampires and can't wait till buffy has her feelings back so she can take buffy on a shopping spree and gunn can't wait to be bestfriends will buffy again like they used to be back when buffy was in hemry high
Wesley and giles can't wait to watchers to both buffy and faith again like it used to be and fred can't wait till talk about magic and books with buffy again and dawn can't wait to have her sister back again.

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