They captured buffy now what

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Lorne helps them to find a spell to fix Buffy Emotions. Cordelia and Fred go to the magic box to get some supplies from Anya. Connor helps to find something from the codex and Spike gets blood from the butcher shop for him and Angel and the spell.
Lorne decided to contact Whistler for help. Whistler has agreed to come and meet them to help turn Buffy into a vampire besides her mate/bonded Angel /Angelus said that she should be turned to help restore her feelings and for her to be back to feeling normal.

Cordelia has a vision and it shows Buffy and Angel/Angelus belong together and it also shows that somehow Buffy will also be a shape shifter and can shift into any animal she wants. So Cordelia told everybody else what she saw and so Cordelia said that the spell will be good to go soon and that it will work. They decided to wait to do the spell until night time.

Time Skip-

It was now 1:00am, so they got the supplies from the Magic box and decided to do the spell since they have Buffy. They had willow and Tara and Giles and Wesley do the spell.

After they did the spell.

Buffy was not awake yet and they decided that it was a good thing.

Angel/Angelus wants buffy back Where stories live. Discover now