Chapter 9: Fight my Children

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The fight came to an end, it ended in almost a second. Y/N overwhelmed them too much. It was now the day after the practical exams.

(I'm kidding. Imagine if I actually did that?)

"The next match will be Mr. Y/N against Kirishima and Sato" Nezu said, pointing over to the trio, who were currently talking about the worst pastries they've ever eaten.

"Oop, guess we're up" I smirked and went over to the teachers. They put weights on my wrists as well as my ankles. I thought it was complete bs since I had the physical body of a 15 year old, but what can you do?

I was going into the arena first so I can find a good spot to post up. I climbed one of the tallest buildings in the arena. I extended my right arm. My entire arm turned into a sniper rifle with the scope I'm most accustomed to.

I then brought up my left arm. On the side of my elbow, a stand to steady the sniper flicked out. I am so back right now. If I'm doing this, I'm doing it the right way.

I stood there and waited for the match to start. I had a clear view of both sides of the arena from where I stood. I could see the exit perfectly, they weren't going to go through this city without me knowing where they were at all times.

I heard the loudspeakers commence the match. I quickly spotted both students in their flashy costumes. I propped the sniper on the stand located on my elbow.

I had Kirishima in my scope, would've made a perfect hit. This was a critique on their part right off the bat.

"Kirishima! Harden now!" I yelled.

Kirishima's skin immediately hardened and I let the bullet fly. It hit square in his chest. The sniper molded back into my arm as well as the sniper balancer. I jumped off the building like the suicidal maniac I am.

Once my heart stopped and started up again I got up and ran towards the area I saw the two. If I had to guess, they would be trying to figure out where the gun shot came from.

Shouldn't be hard since I hit Kirishima in the chest. Another critique of theirs would be not retreating.

Their quirks are close combat. If they're really trying to fight someone who had a long distance attack, they would be done for in their hero career.

I found then both back to back but I didn't stop running towards them.

"There he is!" Sato yelled, pointing over towards me. Kirishima hardened his fists and Sato prepared to use his strength. They both rushed me simultaneously. Here was another part of my quirk they had yet to see.

I reached towards the knife I kept strapped to my thigh and threw it behind the two. My body quickly disappeared and appeared right where the knife was flying, which was behind both the students. The ability to not only make weapons out of my body, but to also teleport where any weapon is.

They both gasped in unison from my disappearance. Both my knuckles turned into brass knuckles and I hit both of them in the back of the head. Certainly not to knock them out, I wouldn't end it like this. But it made them stagger and fall over.

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