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You had just taken two pregnancy tests. The 5 minutes had passed. And you flipped them over. POSITIVE

You started crying. What am I going to do? What if Draco leaves me? What if he doesn't love me anymore? All of these thoughts got pushed out of your head as Draco said " Y/N, love are you okay?" " y- yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a second"

You had flushed the toilet and washed your hands then put the positive pregnancy tests in your jacket pocket. You sighed and pushed opened the door.

Draco immediately rushed up and gave you a big hug. You returned it and melted into his arms. " are you okay love?" " yes I have to tell you something..... I'm pregnant." He pulled out of the hug and looked at you in shock.

" wait so there's a baby in you right now?" You nodded and got on his knees and pulled up your shirt so your stomach was exposed to the cold air. " hello my little baby girl or boy. Uh this is your daddy and even though I haven't meet you yet me and your mommy love you so much!"

You smiled down at him and he kissed your stomach and got up and kissed you and said "I hope our baby has your eyes"

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