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* Draco is acting very clingy towards you lately and your in your 7th year at hogwarts*

You were walking down to breakfast Sunday morning. When you had got to the great hall I looked around and saw my boyfriend. Draco Malfoy.

You walked faster and sat next to him. "Hey baby" you said as he leaned in and kissed your lips.

You started talking to your friend Sammy when Draco interrupted your guy's conversation on NEWT's. " can we leave nowwwwwww I wanna cuddle" " yeah sure bye Sammy" You said. Then walked out with a mad look on your face.

" baby are you okay" Draco said looking at your furious face. " Draco are you serious you just embarrassed me!!"

" I'm sorry I didn't mean too" he said looking very apologetic. " why have you been so clingy lately!!"

" im sorry love. I- I just think you can do so much better than me. And I don't want to lose you!" He said with a tear slipping down his check. " I'm s-sorry Y/N" you sighed.

" I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't know you felt this way. And I have eyes only you, you know that right?" He nods " and we're going to get married and have 3 kids and grow old together"

He nods and leans in and kisses you slowly and passionately. When you guys pull away he looks at you straighten the eyes and says " I love you" 3 words you have never said to each other. And you say " I love you more"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed lol andddd thank you for 500 FREAKING READSSSS

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