Chapter 31: Hang Over

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Kai slightly staggered into the Monastery, having gotten a taxi there. He slowly walked through the halls and slipped into his room, pausing when he saw Lloyd sitting on his bed. "Heeeeeey Lloyd." He said nervously.

Lloyd raised a brow. "Kai, why are you nervous?" He asked as Kai stiffly walked to the bed, tripping on air a couple of times, but righting himself and plopped on the bed. "I'm not nervous." He said with a smile and Lloyd gave him a look.

Kai then flopped back on the bed, trying to avoid the conversation... And eye contact. Lloyd sighed then layed on top of him. "Kai, what's going on?" He asked as he pecked his boyfriend's lips, then scrunched up his nose. "Wait..."

Kai's eyes widened and he clamped his mouth shut. "Kai, why do you smell like cigarettes? And is that alcohol on your breath?" Lloyd questioned in surprise and suspicion.

"I can explain?" Kai tried and Lloyd gave a look. "Okay, I swear I don't smoke. I was at my friends place. They're roommates and one of them smokes. He was smoking a cigarette while I was there. That's it." He explained.

"And your breath?" Lloyd asked with narrowed eyes. "Um.... Yeah... I drank." Kai admitted. "I am not drunk though!"

"Okay, maybe a little, but I am not impaired!" Kai said and Lloyd sighed. "What? I didn't do anything illegal!"

"Kai, why?" Lloyd asked. "Because I wanted to. I know what my limit is and it was just while I was there. It's not like I make a daily habit of it." Kai said with a roll of his eyes and Lloyd looked at him. "What? I drink." Was all Kai said and Lloyd sat up. "Don't tell me you're actually mad about this." Kai said as he sat up.

"I just... You drank alcohol, knowing you'd be walking home alone. At night. Did you forget that our current enemy has an interest in you? What if they showed up on your way back and you were to impaired to defend yourself?" Lloyd said while looking at him and Kai sighed. "I'm not stupid. I called a cab and got dropped off at the very bottom of the steps." He said and slid an arm over Lloyd's shoulder. "I love you?" He tagged at the end and Lloyd chuckled. "You're lucky I love you too."


Kyle and Morro walked into Kyle's apartment with the weapons and placed them on the table. "What now?" Morro asked and Kyle looked to him. "Take these to the Monastery." Kyle said as he went to the hall closet and pulled out a case that was shaped to hold the weapons. "We'll put them in this and you'll take them to the ninja." He furthered.

"What about you? You're Kai's dad, aren't you?" Morro asked and Kyle frowned. "I doubt he wants to see me right now. He thinks I'm helping this dude willingly." He said and gave a heavy sigh before grabbing the weapons with the cloth and placing them in the case. "No way he'll even speak to me right now. I've made to many mistakes."

Morro sighed. "You need to talk to him eventually." He said and Kyle smiled sadly. "I know, but now isn't the time."


Kai and Lloyd cuddled in bed, Lloyd having calmed down a while ago.

"Hey, Kai?" Lloyd said while looking up to him. Kai looked at Lloyd with half lidded eyes. "Yeah, babe?" He replied and Lloyd cracked a smile. "The next time you want to drink while you're out, call me to come get you when your done. I'd feel more comfortable." He said and Kai smiled. "Sure."


Morro stood at the gates to the Monastery wih the case in hand the next day. He felt nervous as he knocked on the gate.

Kai opened the gate and his eyes widened as he looked at Morro. "Uh...." He let out. "Sensei!" Kai called back while staring at Morro.

Wu walked over and was taken aback at the sight of Morro. "M-Morro.... How?" He asked and Morro chuckled. "It's... A long story." He said while scratching the back of his head.

It wasn't long before he was let in, no one forgetting his help from the Day of the Departed. Everyone was soon sitting around the breakfast table with Morro. "So, how did you get the weapons?" Nya asked him. "A... Friend helped me get in and out. They're a double agent. Only working for the enemy to help from the inside, ya know?" He said and the others nodded in understanding.

"How are you human?" Jay asked and Morro chuckled. "That same friend. He brought me back." He said and they nod. "Glad to have you on our side." Cole said with a smile. "Glad to be so." Morro replied.

"So, why is Kai wearing sunglasses inside?" Morro asked and Kai pressed his lips together. "He's trying to be cool." Lloyd said, lying through his teeth. No way were they telling anyone that Kai had a hang over.

Morro went with it and sat back in his seat. "Well, what's the plan?" He asked. "Now, Kai, Iris, Zayn with a Y, and Nya need to train with their weapons." Misako said. "And Kai and I need to work on something." Eris added. "And it's time for Iris's daily meditation." Wu said. "Garmadon, can you help me with Kai? We still need to tap into his darker side." Eris said and Garmadon nodded. "Better then nothing to do."


Kyle coughed up blood while glaring at the masked mad standing over him. "You brought this on yourself." Said the voice of the shadow man. "You should have never betrayed me, Kyle." He added.

"I never betrayed you, I am only loyal to my son." Kyle said before spitting at the shoes of his punisher. The masked man growled and whipped him again.

Kyle's wrists were cuffed and chained to the ground with vengestone and his shirt was long ago shredded by the metal chain link whip being used on his back. He was covered in lacerations and panting from pain with blood running down his back and pooling on the floor, but he still glared and kept his head up. Nothing would break him.

"I've told you before, what the conciquences would be for betrayal. I suggest you give in before I have to force you." Said the shadowy figure. "Never. There is nothing you can threaten me with. Besides, Milisa wouldn't want me prioritizing her over the realm." Kyle said with a glare as the shadow frowned.

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