Chapter 49: Fabian & Remus

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Kai knocked on Remus & Fabian's door late at night and waited as he heard them fumbling around inside. The two idiots had probably been either getting drunk or doing drugs again was all he could guess.

When Remus opened the door, he was so drunk he swayed where he stood and almost fell forward, but Kai pushed him back into a standing position. Once the drunkard noticed Kai's eyes he sobered up quick and jumped back. "Whoa! Dude, what happened to your eyes?!" He asked in surprise as Fabian came over, completely sober with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. "What are you going on about overhere?" Fabian asked, but paused when he saw Kai. "That's freaky."

Kai just rolled his eyes and pushed past Remus to enter the apartment. "Sure, come on in." Fabian said in a half annoyed tone, not surprised in the least.

"I need your help." Kai said as he made himself comfortable on their couch. "What with?" Fabian asked as he sat on the loveseat by the window. "Since when have you needed our help again?" Remus spoke as he sat in the rocking chair with a new beer can and offered one to Kai.

Kai looked to the can being offered. Drinking alcohol again sounded so damn tempting, but he still felt protective over his pregnancy for some reason. He didn't get it. Why did he care? He simply growled, however, and shook his head, pushing the offer away.

"Let's just say that the Kai you losers know is back and needs help raising some hell." Kai said and the two looked to each other in both surprise and anticipation. "What do you want us to do boss?" They asked Kai in sync, unable to wait for their orders.

Remus & Fabian had always been Kai's loyal lapdogs. They did whatever he told them happily, no matter the consequences. Kai's loyalty equaled theirs too.


Everyone was in the planning room of the Monastery and Iris stood in front of the map with Molly.

"Okay, so I have a working theory to find Kai." Iris spoke loudly as the others listened, especially Lloyd, who was more desperate then anyone to bring Kai back home.

"Back at Darkly's Kai had two lapdogs. Remus and Fabian. Both of them are fiercely loyal to Kai. They've been known to do anything he asks of them. Even kill." Iris explained.

"I've even heard that Fabian killed his little sister to prove his loyalty to Kai. And Remus? He killed his entire foster family to prove himself, and they were the good kind of foster family too." Molly added.

"Fabian is an interesting case. He's the younger half brother of Clouse, the guy that served Master Chen. As such, Fabian is a mage as well. He has powerful magic and on the side of the parent he doesn't share with his big brother, he's half Serpentine. No one knows what tribe though." Iris went on and the others all became shocked at what she was saying.

"As for Remus, he was born a human, but Fabian preformed some ancient magic on him that he was experimenting with and turned Remus into a werewolf. Not just that, but Remus can change into his beastial form on command, he's simply strongest under the full moon." Molly explained as the others shivered.

"Both men are extremely dangerous, but they're well tempered on their own. Remus is rather lazy when he can get away with it and Fabian usually prefers to avoid conflict, but it's as I said. They'll do anything Kai asks of them and Kai knows it." Iris continued on.

"Meaning that Kai is likely to go looking for them. They're perfect pawns to sacrifice when he feels something that needs to get done is beneath him or he doesn't want to risk getting caught." Molly went on as the others nodded along.

"So, neither of you know what tribe Fabian decends from?" Jay asked and the girls shook their heads. "Nope, he's shown us his fangs before, but he's never told anyone what tribe he is... I could see him telling Kai if he asked though." Iris answered and Jay seemed to think.

"How do we fight an enemy that's hiding a secret that big?" Jay asked as Cole rubbed his back. "Don't worry Babe, we'll get 'em. I know we will." Cole reassured his boyfriend and the blueberry colored ninja smilled before kissing his cheek.

"How do you suppose we go about things?" Morrow asked the girls. "Remus would be the easiest to handle. All we need is wolvesbane and some silver bars. Once we capture him, me and Molly can try to extract some information." Iris answered and he nodded with a soft smile that made her blush, causing Wu to raise a brow between the two. Morrow noticed Wu's gaze and quickly looked away. Neither of the two felt brave enough to tell anyone about their current relationship. Especially when it came to Wu.

"So, where do we get wolvesbane?" Nelson asked aloud. "I know a place where we can by it." Polly spoke up. "I'll accompany you." Echo volunteered. "And I can probably find some scrap silver lying around at my parents place. You wouldn't believe some of the values people scrap without knowing it!" Jay spoke up and Cole placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll go with."

"Great! Polly, you know about how much we need and Jay... Make sure to get as much silver as possible." Molly said with a clap of her hands, excited to get a plan going.


Kai broke into the hospital in the middle of the night with Fabian not far behind him. "What are we doing here again?" Fabian asked as they snuck through the halls without being seen.

"We need to find an ultrasound machine." Kai responded and Fabian shook his head with an annoyed expression. "I know that! What I want to know is why." He whisper yelled at Kai.

"Look... I'm pregnant, alright? I just want to check on the pregnancy." Kai answered and Fabian sighed. "Since when do you care about any life that isn't your own?" He asked his boss. "I don't know... I just... I really don't want to loose this pregnancy. I don't know why." Kai responded, his voice cracking ever so slightly. He still felt like something was missing, but he didn't know what.

The two eventually found what they were looking for and Fabian went to the machine while Kai sat on the bench, waiting to let Fabian do the ultrasound on him.

Fabian stared at the screen in shock when he saw the triplets growing inside Kai's belly. He couldn't help but crack a smile before turning his head to look at Kai. The monster he called his boss was transfixed by the screen. He had a warm and loving smile, his eyes had gone back to normal, and Fabian could swear his eyes were tearing up, only being proven right when a tear slipped from Kai's left eye.

"Who's the father?" Fabian asked gently. "Lloyd..." Kai said, and Fabian could hear so much pain, love, and longing in his masters voice. It made the half serpent wince. He hated seeing Kai in any kind of pain and he wondered why Kai wasn't with Lloyd now if he seemed to love him so much, but he dare not ask. He knew when to keep his mouth shut.

When their little check up was done, Kai's eyes returned to their Overlord like glow and Fabian used his magic to steal the machine and the gels that were used with it so that they didn't have to waist time breaking in every time Kai wanted to check on the kids.



Hey, just wanted to ask y'all what you think the kids names should be when it's time.

You can suggest three male names or three female names. Even any combination in between!

I can't wait to hear from y'all!

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