Chapter 46: Zayn & Polly

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Zayn stood on the porch, looking to the sky. He watched the clouds by in silence. It was peaceful. To peaceful. Usually Nelson would be obsessing over trying to complete the training course without getting hurt, Lloyd would be either scolding Kai for being a pervert or going along with it while Misako did the scolding instead, Nya would be watching Nelson to make sure he's safe or arguing with Ronin in this weird flirty way, Eris and Kyle would be all lovey and dovey because they're back together, Molly would be watching Nelson and cheering him on like some fan girl or cheerleader, and Iris & Morrow being all competitive and flirty when he isn't making her blush and hide her face.

This was the hubub he'd grown used to and missed. Now, without Kai... nothing. Everyone was to concerned about Kai switching sides. They were all justifiably certain that Darx had already gotten to the red ninja now that he had given into his darker side. It was a mess.

Andy stood beside him, a toothpick hanging out his mouth. "This isn't going to end well if Darx gets his mits into Kai enough. He can be rather persuasive." Andy commented and Zayn looked to his dear friend. "Exactly what is going on with all... this... anyways?" Asked the nindroid.

"That's a story for another time my metallic friend." Andy said with a chuckle. "A story for another time..." He breathed out before standing up straight from his spot against the railing. "Though, I should probably talk to the others about explaining things. Misako & Wu won't be happy since their way of remembering things went down differently, but they're on the side that experienced a huge misunderstanding." He further went on as he headed for the door to go in.

Zayn watched Andy leave and sighed once the door closed behind him. "Well you seem depressed." Came a feminine yet electronic voice and he looked to the source of the sound. It was Polly. Molly's robotic twin. She smiled at him as she leaned against the railing beside him. "Thinking about Kai?" She inquired and he nodded.

"Yeah, Molly is really beat up about it. She did know him back in their Darkly's days after all." Polly said and Zayn looked to her. "To happy." He said and she gave him a confused glance. "What?" She said in her confusion. "You always seem to happy. No matter what's going on. You and Molly both. It's like both of you are more machine then me, my brother, or Pixel. And we're androids." He said and she chuckled.

"Thats because we've been through some real shit. I wasn't always metallic after all. Me and Molly are identical twins... We used to be at least." She started off and he tilted his head to the side. "Our dad made me like this. It all started when this accident happened before she was sent to Darkly's. I lost my left arm so he made me a new robotic one. Something so innocent, right? He was a mad scientist though. He sent Molly to Darkly's so she'd stop interfering and held me back at home for his experiments after that. Since we're identical, she was his control." She went on and his eyes widened.

"Little by little, my body parts were replaced with robotic ones. Even my organs. Even my heart... He somehow managed to digitalize my brain waves and make me... this..." She said while wrapping her arms around herself. "I barely remember what it's like to have skin and blood anymore. No part of me is human. I'm not sure what I am." She added as she looked to the side.

"I'm not an android because my intelligence isn't artificial and I'm not a cyborg because there is no part of me that's biological anymore. I'm just a girl, born human with dreams of marrying the perfect guy and having a loving family one day that had all those dreams taken away from her by her own father. I'm not human anymore, but I'm not even sure what to call myself either. I'm unnatural." She went on and it became obvious that she'd be crying right now if she could. "I... I don't mean any insult to you or the others though. I just..." She cut herself off, not sure what to say.

"I understand... I think. You, you're just upset because you can't have that family anymore." Zayn said and she nodded. "My ovaries... My uterus... Gone... Who would want me? In a romantic way that is." She said and he took her hand. "You'll find someone out there someday. Fate owes you that much at the least." He said and she smiled.

"Is that why you always look so happy? To hide it? The pain, I mean." He asked and she nodded. "Especially from Molly. She used to worry about me so much. I was... let's just say I didn't want to be in the land of the living anymore when my dad was still transitioning me over to this form. She knows that, she's stopped me from it to many times. I know I might be overcompensating, but I just don't want her to worry anymore. I'm not that bad these days, so she can relax and live her life. Ya know?" She answered and he seemed to understand.

"Well, don't hold it all in. Okay?" Zayn said and she chuckled. "Besides, things will be alright in the end. As for me... my issues feel like nothing compared to that." He said and she gave a playful eye roll.

"What issues? If something is bothering you then it isn't nothing Zayn. You can vent to me if you'd like." She said and he gave her greatful smile.

"It's just... my father... creator really, but still... he..." Zayn started off, trying to figure out how to explain it. "Zane was his first android. Was his son in a way. As for me? He made me while trapped on some prison island. At first, things were fine, but when Zane and the ninja showed while looking for the Dark Island... I realized why he made me." Zayn went on as she listened. "I was his replacement Zane. Made in my brother's exact image. The only difference really was the materials used. He even just left me there when he went back to Ninjago. He just... left me. The second he had his real Zane back, I was nothing."

Polly's eyes widened in surprise as she listened and her hand went over her mouth. "He even gave me the same damn name. What else am I supposed to think? It's the only logical explanation. I can't even confront him about it because he's dead and as for Zane... I don't blame him. He may be the one I was made to replace, but he never asked for this either." Zayn went on. "I would have changed my name to something more different from his name, but I was programmed to respond to the name; Zane." He added and she placed a hand on his shoulder. "So changing the spelling was the most you could do." She said and he nodded.

"I get it. Being an identical twin is hard. Well... 'was' in my case." Polly started. "Molly is the elder twin if you can believe it. Not anymore since she was frozen in that chamber, but still. Growing up, before the accident, no one could tell us apart. Not even our parents." She went on to explain. "Molly has always been the extrovert. She got along with everyone. Even when she behaved badly, no one could ever punish her. She was a golden child, but me? I was just her introverted younger twin that preferred to have her nose stuck in a book. As such, she was Molly and I wasn't Polly, I was Molly part two." She further explained.

"All the kids in our village loved playing with her. The boys all had crushes on her even, but me? I was just second best. I only existed if she was sick or to injured to play because she broke another bone from climbing trees or something. It was always 'why can't you be more energetic like the real Molly?' or 'How come the real Molly is more fun?' I was never Polly to them. I was the knock off Molly. I could never be my own person. I guess that's why I've come to be comfortable in this new form. I'm not the knock off Molly anymore after all. The kids in our village would probably call me the metal Molly though. I don't think they ever bothered to remember my name." She said and he looked down.

"We both have an overshadowing sibling, but Zayn... You are more then a replacement. You have your own thoughts and feelings. Besides, I'm sure you could talk to Cyrus Borg. Didn't he make Pixel? I'm sure he could program a new name for you. Hell, why didn't you ask Andy to?" She asked and he looked to her. "Andy doesn't understand coding that much and doesn't want to risk messing something up, so he just ported me over to this new body. AI is to complex to go messing with when you're just a novice." He explained and she nodded in understanding.

"Well, let's go see Cyrus then!" She exclaimed while turning around dramatically and pumping her hand in the air, sticking out her index finger as if pointing to the sky and he chuckeld. He knew she was trying to lighten the mood with her exaggerated behavior and he was grateful for it.

"Yeah, let's."

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