Vitamin D

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If it was anyone's fault that they weren't making any effort it was Mr

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If it was anyone's fault that they weren't making any effort it was Mr. Schue's. Seriously, what did he expect they would do when they heard who they were up against? It was natural of them to want to relax a little.

He watched as Mr. Schuester tried to practice the choreography with the rest of the glee club. Nick had been excused of the exercise because he proved to the glee coach that he knew the dance steps without a problem and as a reward Mr. Schue let him sit back and unwind, hoping that maybe that would motivate the others. It didn't work very well. Kurt had been the only one to take the offer and Finn...well, he was too tired to do much of anything so he also got permission to sit down.

"Five, six, seven, eight. Step, turn, out, in, ball-change, step ball-change step. You, you, you, you. And ba-ba-ba." Will called out as he directed the group. He let out a frustrated groan when he saw their lack of energy. "Come on, guys, you're sleepwalking on me here. Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two-"

"Please, sectionals is going to be a breeze." Mercedes interrupted, dismissing his concerns.

"Maybe so," Mr. Schue sighed, looking down in defeat.

Artie let out a loud yawn, which caught Nick's attention, and when he turned to him he found himself looking at Finn instead. Finn sat on Nick's right side, he was staring intently ahead. Following his eyesight he encountered that he was gazing at Quinn's abdomen, and though Nick was no betting man, he was pretty sure Finn was thinking about the baby. Which led Nick to think about their baby. 

How were they coping? How was Quinn coping? He couldn't imagine what it felt like, to have to keep it a secret, to have to deal with it silence.

"But if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals." Mr. Schuester continued, breaking him out of his thoughts. He blinked once and shook his head, hoping no one noticed where his eyes were. "We have got to be on our game."

Kurt laughed out of the sudden from his left. Nick's hand quickly shot to cover his mouth, but it was too late. Their spanish teacher sent Kurt a disapproving look.

"Sorry, funny Youtube." Kurt apologized with a sheepish expression, lowering Nick's hand to speak. "It's the grape stomping one." He tugged Nick's hand and handed him his phone. "Watch this, you are going to love it."


With how they had been acting lately Nick thought Mr. Schuester was going to give up on them, but it looked like it had actually inspired him. After their disastrous rehearsal the other day, he came up with a new assignment for the week. Or so he had told them, they didn't know the whole details.

The members of Triple Threat and the Unholy Trinity were all hanging around together as they waited for Mr. Schue to appear. Turned out it wasn't as awkward as Nick once thought it would have been. Mike and Brittany were always paired together in their group numbers just like Santana and Nick, so that sort of made them all develop a bond.

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