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They were all chatting in the choir room, waiting for Mr

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They were all chatting in the choir room, waiting for Mr. Schue so that they could begin their practice. Triple Threat and the Unholy Trinity were all talking about the upcoming yearbook pictures when Kurt marched into the room, holding some yearbooks close to his chest. He demanded that everyone gathered around, so they huddled up around the piano.

"Where's Rachel?" Kurt asked, looking around the room for said girl as he dumped the yearbooks on top of the piano.

"She's not here yet." Finn answered from his place on a stool.

"Perfect," the young Hummel declared, placing his hands on the piano. "Glee club stands on a delicate precipice. We have all felt the cold humiliation of a slushie in the face." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "But as of right now, our relative anonymity as a club shields us from more severe persecution: swirlies, patriotic wedgies..."

"What's a patriotic wedgie?" Mercedes intervened, confused by the term.

"It's when they hoist you up the flag pole by your undies." Finn explained, and it made Nick wonder if he had ever done that to someone. Maybe he just stood there and watched as Puck did it to some other classmate of theirs. He didn't know what was worse.

"Strangely, it did make me feel more American." Artie confessed, and the german boy winced in sympathy.

"Based on my investigation, I am of the opinion that a yearbook photo would only fuel the flames of anti-glee-club terror. I've done a little library research." Kurt selected one of the yearbooks, flipping through the pages until he found the one with the glee club in it. "Peter Gellar. Glee club second tenor, 1998. He can be seen here with both a drawn on Hitler mustache and a rice paddy hat. Shortly after the yearbook came out, Mr. Gellar had a nervous breakdown. He is now the homeless man who sleeps in front of the public library."

"Patches?" Quinn asked, surprised at the identity of the man.

"Patches." Kurt confirmed with a nod.

"He barks at my mom." Brittany commented absentmindedly, like she was remembering said event.

Kurt pointed to another member in the photo of the next yearbook. "Exhibit B: Tawny Peterson, glee club class of 2000, seen here in her photo with a cartoon knife stuck in her head, in a macabre tableau that, in four years would prove eerily prescient."

"She died?" Nick whispered horrified as Tina gaped, but nobody paid them any mind.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say that not having to pose for a yearbook photo might be a blessing in disguise. I suggest not fighting Figgins' ruling."

At that moment their Spanish teacher entered the choir, and Kurt was quick to close the yearbook closest to him, but it was too late. "Oh, hey, guys. Ah, looking at old Thunderclaps?"

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