The Rhodes Not Taken

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When Kurt told him Quinn had the voice of an angel he wasn't kidding

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When Kurt told him Quinn had the voice of an angel he wasn't kidding.

Nick didn't know what it was exactly that made him so mesmerized. Maybe it was the softness of her tone, which made him feel so at ease, like a baby being lulled to sleep. Maybe it was the passion with which she sang because, no matter how much she tried to hide it, it was clear that she liked performing.

Whatever the reason was, Nicholas couldn't help but feel lucky he was able to witness it. He wasn't able to stop the dopey grin on his face as he harmonized with the rest of the glee club, tapping his foot to the beat of the song and making his best effort not to stare at Quinn as she sang beautifully her duet with Finn.

"A singer in a smoky room," Finn intoned as he made his way forward.

"The smell of wine and cheap perfume," Quinn chanted as she imitated Finn from the other side.

Extending their hands, Finn and Quinn reached out for each other as they continued to sing together. "For a smile they can share the night." Pulling Quinn into him, they spun around as the rest danced behind them. "It goes on and on and on-"

Suddenly everything came to a stop when Quinn froze out of nowhere. Her eyes widened slightly in panic before she covered her mouth with her hand. Before anyone could say anything she darted off the choir room.

"Quinn, are you okay?" Mr. Schuester inquired, but she was basically out the door.

"I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito." Finn explained, answering the question that was in everybody's mind.

"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?" Kurt asked as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Your sexuality?" Santana quickly commented with a smile.

"Hey," Nick muttered sternly, jumping to his friend's defense. He knew that Kurt had come out to his dad when they came home after their dinner in Kewpee with the Wolf's. Kurt had confided in him that he felt more comfortable with who he was now, but that didn't mean that he was ready to come out to everyone yet. And so Nick was determined to make his coming out as enjoyable as he could, and he refused to let anyone pressure him into it. "Don't be like that."

Kurt looked distatefully at Santana as she smirked at Nick and he continued as if she hadn't spoken. "Rachel. We can't do this without her."

"That's not true," Will sighed, though he did not sound very convinced, which was not reassuring at all. "We may have to layer Santana and Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but...we'll be fine."

"Maybe for invitationals," Artie conceded from his place next to the band, hugging his electric guitar close to his chest. "But not for sectionals and certainly not for regionals."

"The wheelchair kid's right." Puck agreed. "That Rachel chick wants me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing." 

And that was a sentiment they could all agree on. Nick hadn't interacted much with her before she quit glee because they didn't give her the solo, but that was enough to make him realize she could be a little... intense.

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