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Vampires were real

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Vampires were real.

At least, Principal Figgins seemed to believe so. According to him, thanks to the Twilight fever teenagers were now into vampires obsessed with the cult. Apparently, they all also sported the same goth look. Which is why he forced Tina to find another style of dress, otherwise she would be suspended. Nicholas found the whole situation very ridiculous to say the least.

"It's so weird." Artie stated as all of the choir kids gawked at Tina. Nick felt bad for staring, but he couldn't help it. Seeing her wear a sweatshirt and joggers felt so very wrong.

"This so isn't you." Finn voiced everyones thoughts on the matter.

"I feel like an Asian Branch Davidian."

"Tina, are there any other looks you can try?" Mr. Schuester inquired sympathetically, trying to be helpful.

"Biker chick?" Santana suggested, which was immediately met with Tina putting her thumb down showing she didn't agree.

"Cowgirl?" the young Hudson proposed, but his suggestion was shut down as well.

"Hood rat." Mercedes voiced jokingly. Or at least Nick hoped she wasn't being serious.

"Computer programmer." Quinn chimed in, throwing out an option too.

"Cross-country skier." Brittany suggested thoughtfully.

"Catholic schoolgirl." Puck smirked and Nick had to fight the urge to slap him or at the very least throw him off his chair because of course his suggestion had to have a sexual undertone. Was it too much to ask that he gave an earnest answer?

"Happy Meal, no onions. Or a chicken."

"Look, I appreciate it, guys,but it just isn't me." Tina sighed, making them stop giving her different dress codes. "I know who I am, and I'm not allowed to show it. It's like communism."

At that moment Rachel dramatically barged into the room. "Guys, we have a serious problem. You know how I've been doing some deep background on Vocal Adrenaline?"

"You have been doing what?" the young Wolf asked in a whisper, alarmed.

He had been spending his afternoons with Jesse and his friends. They met at least once a week to have lunch and talk about what had been going on in their lives lately. For some reason, the fact that Rachel might know about his secret encounters with the students from Vocal Adrenaline made him really nervous. He swore their encounters were all innocent, they never talked about their respective glee clubs. The last thing he needed was to be branded as a traitor just for hanging out with them.

"Isn't that against the rules?" the boy with the glasses wondered.

"No, not at all." Rachel denied with a dismissive tone, but then she paused for a moment, considering his words. "Or probably. Whatever! Anyway, what I figured out; I rooted through the Dumpsters behind the Carmel auditorium and I found eighteen empty boxes of Christmas lights."

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