Chapter 1

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Adrianna POV

It started like any other day wake up, get ready, have breakfast and go to work. Now I liked worked because I get to work with so many different people mainly female as that's what I specialized in, teaching self-defense. The reason most of my cliental is female is because we feel the need to protect ourselves in this big bad world, as we are commonly the lesser dominate sex. Now that isn't to say we can't kick ass because after some lessons off me you definitely can.

People come to take lessons off me because I seem approachable, I'm friendly and trustworthy but it's taken me a long time to get to this point, I mean I didn't learn multiple ways of self-defense for no reason, but I don't like talking about that time in my life, it's locked in a safe in the back of my mind.

I teach the lessons for many reasons as I said if it's for self-defense, to blow off some steam or even as a form of exercise, and any males I do get in here are usually taking them to defend themselves from bullies or to impress a girl by building up some muscle as I'm also a personal trainer as I have all the gym equipment set up as well.

As I said totally normal day I got to work and unlock the door, turn the lights on along with turn the temperature monitor to the right temperature. Then I start with my own workout before my first private class at 9 o'clock. I start with a simple warm up of stretching out all my major muscle groups and a 20-minute jog on the tred machine. I then did some sit up, planks along with some weights. I arrived at 7:30AM meaning the time now was about 8:15AM meaning I could wrap my hands and work on the punching bag for 30 minutes and then I'd have to get ready for my first lesson.


My last lesson was ending at in 5 minutes meaning it would be 5:30PM when a man walked into the gym dressed in joggers and a tight fitted t-shirt showing that he already had muscles in all the right places, not my normal cliental which had me on high alert, especially since I know who exactly is coming into my gym at what time and when. He was not invited. I finished my lesson by giving her some combinations to hit the pads on my hands with.

Sofia was a sweet girl, only 16, she had a bad past with one of her ex's abusing her and wanted to learn to defend herself in case he ever managed to get to her again. The reason I monitor who comes into my gym is for the reason I don't want to make the girls who have had difficulties in the past uncomfortable. It's easy to send someone back mentally to that time and place.

I finished my lesson and bided farewell to Sofia. I turned to the man that stood maybe 6"2 maybe 6"3, he had dark coloured skin obviously from African American descent. I stood taking a drink out of my water bottle while I was studying him. He was inspecting my gym as if to see if it was to his standards.

"Can I help you?" I spoke as I drank the last of my water wanting nothing more than to go home and have a shower, I stank. "Actually, you can I want to have a sparring session with someone other than my normal partner he's gotten boring" he replied smoothly, I scoffed "what you actually mean is you've learnt his fighting patterns and can now predict his next move, therefore making him as you said 'boring'" I say using my finger as little quotation markers on the word 'boring'. He smirked, maybe surprised I commented on his bullshit or maybe proud I did pick up on it "well I heard you were good and wanted to see for myself", I rolled my eyes at that statement "I'll spar with you but only if you never come back here, you're the kind of person I keep out of here, what's your name?". He smiled and shrugged off his hoodie "Derek, and what's yours?" I smirked not answering his question if he had heard of me, he'd know my name, so I just walked over to my sparring ring. He joined me fairly quickly, I knew what my strategy would be, I small, petite, fast and nimble while Derek here is bigger, heavier most likely relies on power.

"First tap looses" he says while smirking clearly thinking he may win this, but little does he know he won't, "okay then on the count of three" I say with a pause "three" I blurt out while running at him which caught him off guard and he recovered by the time I reached him. He took this opportunity to try and punch me which I used to my advantage and grabbed his hand to swing myself around the back of him as I wrapped my legs round his torso, I used my momentum to make him fall backwards which probably wasn't a good idea as he landed on me but I managed to keep a hold of him and get him into a rear naked choke. We stayed there for a minute him doing everything he could think off to get out of it bet failed so I puit more pressure on this throat to the point where he had to tap, or he'd pass out. 2 seconds later I felt a slight tap on my left leg signaling he gave up.

I released him and he coughed slightly while rubbing his throat, he turned and looked at me with a smirk and said, "Gideon wasn't joking when he said you was good" I tensed immediately and stared directly at him "How do you know Gideon?" and just like magic he walked through the door looking like a proud father.


Hi thanks for reading my first ever fanfic. 

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