Chapter 3.

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Adrianna's POV

I was sat at a large round table with six other people along with Gideon who was stood by a projector/whiteboard. I sat between Hotch and Derek while there was three other women sat at the table one had brown hair and very defined features, she looked friendly but serious as if she had to prove herself to the team, maybe she was new. The next was a petite blonde lady mid-twenties, very pretty looked too calm to be a profiler. The last women is the definition of quirky, which I mean in a good way, her blonde hair was curly and had been put in a bun to try and tame it, while her outfit was a statement in itself a knee length black dress with bright pink polka dots covering it along with a strip of pink running through a piece of hair that had managed to escape the bun. I feel as though she screamed tech nerd.

Derek leant over to me and whispered in my ear "For someone who doesn't like being profiled you sure do it a lot to other people", just then had I realized what I had just been doing. I scowled at him for being so correct, he just smirked and turned to look at Gideon.

Gideon started to speak "For everyone who doesn't know this is Adrianna she's like family to me and Hotch so please welcome her as she will be helping on this case-" I spoke up cutting him off knowing he hates being cut off "Maybe helping I don't even know what the case is yet" I said firmly, and everyone seemed surprised I'd take that tone with their superior however, I knew I could get away with it. He shook his head in amusement but continued his amusement gone "As I was saying this case has a lot of people shaking their head not knowing what to do. A five-year-old girl went missing in Quantico four years ago without a trace the trail went cold and could no longer be investigated after a year as every trail went cold or lead to a dead end." He paused giving Morgan the opportunity to speak up "Surely she's dead, not that I agree with it but I think this case is a waste of time". This got me worked up as I could already see where Gideon was going with this and it was identical to mine. However, I kept my mouth shut and let Gideon continue to talk through the profile "Every few weeks a new girl goes missing a county or two over from the next and turn up dead a few weeks after they went missing, nobody believes these are connected due to the time stamps, distances between them and where the bodies are found nothing adds up. However, Adri here knows exactly what this case is about".

Everyone turned to me staring at the picture of the five-year-old girl who would now be nines picture on the whiteboard tears brimming my eyes. The lady with brown hair spoke up "I'm sorry sir but how is she going to help us she has no training, I'm not trying to be rude, but these cases look like they have nothing to do with each other or Adrianna" she says in a kind tone even though some of her words stung. I stood up and just left the room tears running down my face and I wondered around the BAU trying to find a bathroom.

I don't end up finding one, but I do end up finding a secluded corner that's private and not being used which means nobody bothers me for a good half an hour. That is until Gideon finds me and sits next to me, we sit in silence for 10 minutes until I build up the courage to speak first "Is it him?" My voice raspy from the silent crying Gideon just nods and says "It's why we need you so much you know him his routine, patterns, mindset. You know I wouldn't ask you of this unless I was certain". A few more tears escape, me quickly swiping them off my cheeks "I knew he was out, but I didn't know he was in Quantico, I know he got out on parole and on good behaviour, I just thought he had changed and wouldn't do it again. But I'll help you and your team to stop that little girl from being me". Another long pause broke between us Gideon knowing I had something else to say and if I didn't say it now I never would. "I still have nightmares some nights", I say as if I was talking about a small thing, but it was anything but small.

Just then Hotch came round the corner looking at us, I gave him a small nod to let him know I'm okay he came over and offered me a hand getting up which I took. He pulled me into a hug, the type of hug that makes you feel secure and safe he leaned down and whispered in my ear "I know it's hard, but this little girl will be so thankful for you", I just nodded my head and pulled away. We walked back to the meeting room and walked up to the ladies to properly introduce myself "Hi, I'm Adrianna but you can call me Adri, it's nice to meet you". The lady with the pink dress and blonde hair got up to hug me which I reciprocated "I'm Penelope Garcia but you can call me Garcia or Penelope or Pen or anything you're comfortable with, oh dear you've been crying I have a packet of makeup wipes in my bag let me grab you one" she scurried off into her bag looking for a makeup wipe, I liked her she's the kind of people I needed to socialize with more. The next lady was the young looking blonde who also pulled me into a hug "Hi I'm Jennifer Jareau but everyone calls me JJ, I work as the communication liaison". The last was the brown-haired woman "Hey I'm Emily Prentiss, I'm really sorry about earlier" I looked at her and shook my head "Don't be it was more me than you, I'm just closer to this case than you may realize" I spoke while she nodded in understanding.

Penelope returned with the makeup wipe that I dabbed under my eyes I looked at Penelope and said, "Do I look any better?" she smiled and nodded "Yes you do sweet cheeks" to which I blushed slightly at the nickname and went to sit down next to Derek and Hotch. 



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