Chapter 48.

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A/N - I'm sorry for not posting in a long time, I've been super busy with college work. It's only a short chapter but I will try to post more often with longer chapters again. Thank you.

Adrianna's POV.

The sound of beeping made it to my ears and the smell of bleach to my nose. I was lay on an uncomfortable bed and felt warm as if I was cocooned in something, probably a blanket. My body ached which was from the bed most likely, trying to open my eyes was a difficult task it was almost like they were glued shut. Which caused my brain to panic thinking I was maybe a victim of an unsub, and with that thought everything came rushing back to me, Hayley, The Reaper, Jack, Hotch, Derek, my last words speech and being stabbed. Surely, I should be dead.

With that thought I shot up in the bed my eyes opening immediately. My breathing quickened, a panic attack arising I could hear the heart monitor start to beep erratically. I looked around the room for someone but there was no one. Someone then rushed into my room, causing me to shuffle to the other side of the bed slightly before I realized it was Derek. He must have noticed my panic attack, which caused him to drop the file he was holding and come towards me. His panic must have alarmed some of the nurses as they came in with a needle probably filled with a sedative, which caused me to panic more. I didn't want drugs, I'd had enough of those in my life as a child I didn't need any more and Derek noticed me eyeing it up.

He held his hand up to stop the nurse from coming any closer, I now had tears in my hears and everything sounded a little fuzzy, but I tried to focuse on Derek's voice. "She doesn't want any drugs" his voice was firm, but the nurse was still trying to convince him to let me have it before "I hurt myself". Derek just shook his head.

"Adrianna, listen to my voice baby. Remember you've got to ground yourself so listen to my voice and breathe with me okay?" I nodded my head to let him know I was listening "One" we took a deep breath in, "Two" we breathed out, "three" we breathed in again, "four" we breathed out. We continued doing this for a few minutes before I'd calmed down and launched myself into his arms and soon started sobbing. He started stroking my hair and whispering sweet words into my ears. I felt myself drifting off to sleep and being lay back down but before I felt Derek's hand leave mine I kept a hold and whispered a "Lay with me" to which he picked up his file again and joined me under the grey teddy bear blanket on the bed. 

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