Chapter 15.

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Derek's POV.

Me and Adri were walking down this long passageway that had machinery on one side, this place had lots of hiding places and a lot of things for a little girl to hurt herself on. I came to the edge and checked each way before I noticed Adrianna wasn't behind me. Fuck, where has she gone? I jogged back down the way I came when I saw the little girl who came sprinting towards me with a gun in her hand. "Lila put the gun down" she did as I said and started sobbing, I picked up the gun and noticed it was Adrianna's "Where is Adrianna?" I questioned; I was desperate I couldn't break my promise. If this girl had Adri's gun it means she had a run in with Marcus and that could mean so many things. "Are you Derek? Adri said I can only talk to a Derek Morgan and told me to tell him something and gave me her gun to prove I was telling the truth. She saved me" she rambled. I nodded my head while calling in to the team I had Lila.

I picked her up and walked to the front of the warehouse my brain still panicking about where Adri was. The team was waiting for me at the front. "Okay Lila I'm Derek what did Adri ask you to tell me" the team perked up at this obviously noticing Adri wasn't here, "She said she's sorry, you couldn't keep your promise." I turned away hitting the top of the car with my hand "God Dammit" I yelled, I had one job and I fucked up, I promised her. "What does she mean Derek?" Hotch asked, anger and confusion lacing his voice, "She gave herself to Marcus to protect me, she looked hurt and conflicted and like she knew it was the wrong thing to do. And Marcus knew her was she like me?" the little girl asks I nodded, wiping my eyes refusing to cry in front of the team. "What it means Hotch is that Marcus gave her an ultimatum her for the girl and she chose it because the only thing she's wanted to do on this case was get this little girl safe at any costs. And doing that I've broke my promise because I didn't realize she wasn't there. I promised I'd protect her and make sure Marus never hurt her again and I've failed" I broke down, maybe she meant more than I thought she did to me. Reid helped me up while Prentiss took the little girl to the ambulance.

Hotch and Gideon went round the building trying to find where they exited, while Reid stayed with me. "Was there something going on between the two of you?" Reid asks, I thought the kid had developed a crush on her but when he realized how close she was to Gideon he decided not to pursue it, he wouldn't do that to Gideon, his mentor. "The reason we were late was because she had a nightmare, I woke her out of it, and she told me the personal side to her story, and we fell asleep. She cuddled into me Reid and it was the best feeling in the world, she was looking for protection and security and we both slept like babies, I didn't think it meant that much to me, but she means a lot more than I thought she did" I finished Reid looking shocked. "Wow" was all he said, Hotch and Gideon came back along with Prentiss "There's a set of tyer tracks and two sets of footprints ones definitely hers we lost the tracks when they hit the road, Derek talk to Garcia and get her to keep an eye on her debit cards" Hotch said, we all looked confused "Why her debit cards?" asked Prentiss curiosity taking over her, I could tell she looked concerned for Adrianna. "She doesn't like credit cards and she likes to keep her debit card in her bra, says it's safer and We're hoping she'll try and use it, leave us a trail" Gideon tells us, she's a smart girl she won't put herself in any more danger hopefully. I picked up my phone and rang Garcia.

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