Chapter 46.

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This book isn't written in any kind of time line throughout the show as i wanted to have freedom whle writing. 

This chapter maybe a bit scrambled as I am bringing in George Foyet, and it's been a while since I've watched them episodes, and I refuse to watch them again because I cried a lot watching them the first time, so the events of what happened during this time maybe mixed up or not add up to the show but please roll with it. 

Thank you.



 Adrianna's POV.

It had been around a month since the karaoke night and since I'd read my letter. The whole team said I looked happier and I think I felt like I was as well, I almost felt lighter. The team was away on a case that involved someone that went by the name 'The Reaper' it sounded like a hard case but they would do it and if they had any questions, they knew they could call me. While they were away, I spent my time at the gym teaching my lessons, running with Zena who I'd learnt loved to run and if that wasn't possible, I spent my time with Penelope at the office. The best thing about that was I got to talk to everyone if they weren't too busy.

I missed them while they were away and it was even worse when Pen went with them although that's on rare occasions. To be fair I didn't really know what to do with myself when the team wasn't around, they tended to fill every aspect of my life that didn't involve the gym or Zena, considering I lived with Derek.

This case took about a week and they all came back looking extremely concerned. "What's going on you guys?" I asked, Derek was keeping a distance from which meant it wasn't good. I stared at all of them waiting for an answer. Just then a protective custody FBI agent walked through the elevators with Hayley and Jack. Jack ran up to me and I picked him up holding him close. "What is going on?" my voice stern, none of them answering, just then the custody agent spoke up "I'm Agent Sam Kassmeyer, it's been requested from agent Hotchner that you be put under protective custody with Hayley and Jack. We have to leave soon miss, to pick up some of your things" my eyes darted around the room, searching for any hint of dishonesties within the group of people my whole life revolved around.

I looked to Derek while placing Jack on the floor, he walked up and wrapped his arms around me "I know baby, I know. It's not fair they're taking you away, but me and Hotch need you to be safe so please don't fight this for us, okay? We will see each other again once we catch this guy his name is George Foyet and he's dangerous, you going also gives Jack and Hayley that extra bit of protection. Take the gun from the safe in the house, pack what you need, I'll look after Zena. I love you, okay?" my cheeks were wet from the tears spilling out my eyes, he knew what I was thinking and tried to deter my mind from going there but it did any way, because in my mind I was leaving everyone which in turn meant they were leaving me.

"I love you too" I said, pressing my lips to his, while walking over to his desk and picking up the black bomber jacket hung over the back of his chair, it was Derek's "It's mine now" I say trying to lighten the mood. He nodded placing a kiss to the top of my head. I grabbed Jack's hand and walked out on my family to pack some bags for however long my life was going to be like this. 

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