Chapter 34.

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Adrianna's POV.

Hotch and me had a long talk at the hospital and when I say me and Hotch it was mainly Hotch with me trying to get some sentences in, he thought I had been purposely not eating so suggested I stay at his and Hayley's house which then caused another huge argument because I didn't want to burden them. So, after that whole argument which Morgan had to break up because the security guard was threatening to throw Hotch out and then that caused Morgan to take Hotch's side which then lead to me now walking into Hotch's house with a suitcase full of things I'll need.

The main reason I didn't want to stay was because I was still waking up screaming in the middle of the night from nightmare, or more like the memories. Morgan told me I should talk to someone; I had told him little bits about why I hadn't been talking or seeing anyone and his best suggestion was that I either start talking to a therapist or start talking to my friends which were the team. I was definitely not going to talk about my problems with a stranger, so I agreed to talk to the team, but they already saw so much in their jobs I didn't want to put more images in their heads from my experiences. Morgan said no of them would care they would just be happy I'm finally talking to them.

Hotch opened the door yelling "I'm home!" I pulled my suitcase into the lobby of the house and just left it until I heard the pitter patter of feet running towards us. Jack appeared and ran into Aaron's arms saying he'd missed him and asked how I was clearly knowing I was in the hospital. "Why don't you ask her bud she's just there" Aaron said pointing at me, and the little boys head snapped to me so quickly I thought it snapped, it also caused Hotch to put him on floor and no more than I second later he was wrapped up in my arms his legs wrapped around my waist "I missed you big sister" Jack said his face in the crook of my neck. I felt something warm and wet on my neck and I knew he was crying, "Hey buddy don't cry, I missed you too but I'm back now I'm all good" I told him trying to hold back my own tears, I couldn't stand seeing Jack crying it physically hurt my heart.

I could see Hotch and Haley staring at us smiles on their faces clearly seeing that their son was happy again. I put Jack down "Promise me you're okay" he asked innocently, "Pinky promise" I said holding my pinky finger out knowing Jack wouldn't let me break the promise now. He dragged me into the kitchen, and I could see that him and Hayley had been making pancakes before we came. Jack sat me down and asked his mom to grab him a plate while he put three pancakes on the plate and drowned them in syrup and placed the plate in front of me. "Thank you, Jack, but I didn't need three" Hotch gave me stern look that said you best eat all three while Hayley was just smiling at me "We missed you Adri" that came from Hayley "I missed you all as well" placing a piece of pancake in my mouth and hugged Jack again I had really missed him.

That night when I was getting ready for bed Jack came running in, "Can you read me a story tonight" his voice was sleepy I nodded and picked him up. Dropping him on his bed and tickled him which got sleepy childish laughs. "What would you like to me to read tonight?" he pulled out the wonderful wizards of OZ and I began to read. After 20 minutes of reading he was fast asleep. I got up turning his light off and closed his door.

I did not expect to see Hotch sat on my bed when I walked into the room "He really loves you, you know that right?" I nodded, tears filling my eyes. I ran over to Hotch for him to pull me into a hug while I cried it out, this felt different, it felt like it actually meant something like it was helping me in some way. We stayed like that, just him hugging me allowing me to cry while whispering soothing words to me until I fell asleep. 

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