only under the fireworks will you say you love me. [UNFINISHED]

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before i leave, i might as well publish the oneshot i was writing before everything happened

this was supposed to be angst with major character death

yeah im genuinly really sorry i disappeared for over a month. i put my explanation on my profile.

but heres a picture of my dog as compensation:

but heres a picture of my dog as compensation:

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He regrets everything. He wishes he could've just gotten over his stupid fear, and for him to still be there to hold him close as he muttered those few words back.

»»————- ————-««


"Hey Techno?" The pinkette in question turned to face him, face still coated in a thin layer of glistening sweat.

"Hm?" A hum of acknowledgement. Nothing less, nothing more. A perfect way of letting the other person know you were listening.

"I think I love you." Techno's lips curled up into a content smile.

The two still standing amongst the crowd, the others all cheering for the winners of MCC 6. And yet in that moment, it seemed as if the world stopped and everything else blurred. It was only the two, encapsulated in their own little shared utopia.

"I think I do as well" And Dream was fine with that final answer.


06/28/XX (in the antarctic empire)

A soft crackling could be heard in the background from the fire. Two men could be seen sitting in front of the incased flames, a knitted blanket drapping over both their frames.

To Dream, seeing Techno with that ever so relaxed face and a warm orange light gently illuminating onto his features was a beautiful sight. His usually tight ponytailed hair was now let down, the silky strands cascading down the sides of his shoulders and the face of his back.

"Hey Techno" The older lazily turned his head to face his lover, who was staring at him through a lovestruck gaze. He drawled out a low hum instead of answering, but it was his sign to let Dream know he could continue.

"I think I love you" An adoring smiled played his way onto Techno's lips.

No more words were exchanged that night, only the sound of crackling fire and an occasional shuffle of blankets were heard.



And now they were in a bathtub.

It had been Dream's genius idea after George had sent him a cute picture of him and Sapnap in his tub, playing with the bubbles.

But unlike Sapnap, Techno had a 'reputation', and so it took a lot of coaxing from Dream's part in order for them to be able to get to the position they were in now.

Techno hair was down, the pink strands slightly damp and looking darker than they would usually be. His face was formed into a scowl, clearly not very pleased with what they were doing.

Dream, on the other hand, looked like he was having the time of his life.

His mask was discarded on the floor by his bathtub, so a clear happy grin was on display for Techno to see. His content eyes were slightly pushed up by his cheeks. His blond hair was all damp, creating a mop on the top of his head.

"I love you Techno, and thanks for doing this with me"

Techno finally let a tired smile make it's way onto his face. As long as Dream was happy, he was happy as well.



"Why can't you just listen to me?!"

"BECAUSE WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BOSS ME AROUND?!" Dream quickly side-stepped the pillow that Techno had just thrown his way.

He whipped his head around just in time to witness the pinkette slamming their bedroom door shut whilst promptly leaving Dream alone in the now pitch black room.

Dream sighed.

Their argument had started when Techno had announced that he was taking part in a 'potato war' a few days prior. Dream would've been okay with it, because he first handedly knew how competetive his lover could be at times.

But it was now two days after their conversation, and even in that short amount of time Dream could already detect that Techno was overwoking himself.

That morning, Techno had gotten up at four AM sharp, then proceeding to skip breakfast and lunch in exchange for a pointless farming war.

While others may have found this impressive or even amusing, Dream found it unhealthy. And so after eating dinner alone, he went outside to drag Techno away from the potatoes he was farming to their shared bedroom.

Dream had sat him down on their bed, and he expressed his concerns towards Techno's health and how he felt that he should be taking more breaks.

And Techno did not take those considerations lightly.

So now Dream sat alone on the floor of their once shared bedroom, his hands balled tightly into fists. His eyes were watery, yet he couldn't bring himself to cry.

"I hope you understand that I'm only worried about you. And that I'm concerned because I love you so much" He wispered to nobody but himself.

goodbye for real this time, and im really sorry this isnt finished, but ive enjoyed every second writing for this fic and i dont regret a single letter typed

hope we meet again soon, goodbye

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