HC #1

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Starting this off strong with some headcannons B)


•b o t t o m b l a d e .

//okay so to explain this one, im pretty sure that technos actual hight is 6'2", while dream is 6'3. and i do also headcannon techno to wear like slightly raised boots, but those boots still only make him to be 6'3. and even so, his actual hight is still shorter than dreams so pog//

•both of them visit the nail salon on a daily basis

//so basically, i actually sorta got this one from some fanart of techno i found on insta. techno has those pointy ass nails you see on ig. theyre not that long, like only about 2 cm long. (and thats starting from the tip of his nails) also his nails are like a cherry red type colour. dreams nails are just the basic black nails. his arent long or fancy, just simple black nail polish :)//

•they like to wear eachothers clothes from time to time :D

//dream and techno both have broad shoulders, but ultimatly dreams are broader. so because of that techno usually wear dreams hoodies and tops because they would be slightly oversized on him (which dream finds absolutly adorable btw). though you cant catch him doing it often tho, because his ego is too big to let him :) but there are rare occasions where dream will just pop outta nowhere and catch techno in one of his hoodies, and in those situations dream will become an absolute simp. dream also likes to borrow technos sweats from time to time, because theyre relatively the same hight. but he only like to borrow the sweats because at least those would fit him perfectly//

•they really like to stargaze with each other :D

//so basically i see this as- it started before they got in a relationship. dream just wanted to go visit that one hill that he goes to every time hes not busy, and one time when he was heading there he finds techno as well. (keep in mind theyre still rivals in this) they both would start off keeping distance between each other, giving glares from time to time. then one day dream came and techno was there like usual, and techno just expected to go like how it usually does. they dont talk to each other, keep a distance of 20 feet between them, and giving each other glares whenever they feel the other is looking at them. but then that night, dream just sorta started talking to techno, and thats where it began really :) and then once they both get over their massive egos and actually realize that they love each other, they go back to that hill. and now if you ever go to that hill at night, youll see a red and green blob stargazing together//

•techno is extremely picky with his food because he has standards that are higher than mt. everest :]

//technos standards are like- if there arent exactly 63 peas with my rice then im not eating it. so you can imagine what its like whenever dream wants to be romantic and take him out on a date, only for techno to refuse to order anything on the menu and instead force dream to take him to The French Laundry (one of the most expensive restaurants in the world). but then sometimes if he feels that dream actually worked really hard on the date for them, then he'll put aside his standards and just eat what dream had planned//

•but theres also a small problem called 'dream cant cook for the life of everybody he loves'

//basically, after they got in a relationship, techno had to learn the hard way that dream cant cook at all. and when i mean the hard way, i mean by dream almost burned down their house type way :) so basically dreams banned from the kitchen, and techno is the only person allowed in. also technos practically gordon ramsay's secret apprentice//

•technos really not a big fan of physical contact unless its from the sleepy bois or dream

//so this ones a bit based off of myself actually (okay thats a lie this entire one is based off myself) so basically techno just generally speaking doesnt really like it when people touch him. like he'll be okay with handshakes or high fives, but then when it comes to hugs or like a small rub on his arm, he just immediately backs away. the only people he'll really let touch him are his family (yes sleepy bois family dynamic) and dream. and still that was only until it was like 4 months into their relationship. sometimes when hes feeling too much or when things get too overwhelming, his entire body will just become hypersensitive. so if you were to try and touch his shoulder or even just lift one of his fingers, the feeling will just expand by 100. so the touch just will feel like alot, and it can become really uncomfortable. so when he becomes hypersensitive, he prefers people not to ouch him until his body calms down, in which these little outbreaks usually only last 4-9 minutes, but its still really uncomfortable//

•dream gets jealous really easily because hes a pissbaby🙃

//say theyre at a party or something. dream had gone with george and sapnap to catch up a bit. but then he just sees from the very edge of his vision that techno was talking with skeppy or something, and skeppy had put his hand on technos shoulder. most likely the first thing that goes through dreams mind is 1. is techno comfortable? like did skeppy ask first if he could place his hand on technos shoulder or did he just go for it and technos keeping quiet even though hes super uncomfortable. and 2. wtf why is ur hand even remotely c l o s e to techno. and then dream ends up making a shitty excuse to drag techno away from skeppy so that he and techno can go make out or smthn idk//

now im moving onto shorter headcannons so :]

•techno has super neat cursive writing that looks like something youd find on pinterest, while dream has the type of handwriting we all have :') so basically the super rushed, slightly connected kind with every single letter being a different size

•dream is always the first one to act. so hes always the one that links their hands together, hes always the first one to lean in for a kiss, always the one to pull the other in for a hug, etc//

•technos hair is freaking s i l k- and dream loves it

•also technos neck is super sensitive :) this fact becomes useful in situations to come

•dreams hair is dirty blond, and nobody can tell me otherwise

•idk why, but two of technos top teeth are slightly pointed. theyre not like full on vampire teeth. theyre more so like half the size of actual vampire teeth

•dream likes to wear chokers. thats it. thats the headcannon.

•theyre both sorta horrible at expressing their feelings, though dream is alot better at doing is than techno

•technos hair is naturally a soft pink colour :D also him and the rest of the sleepy bois children were adopted by philza. hes also the middle child, just so that i can get some protective big brother wilbur

•speaking of wilbur- after him and the rest of sbi found out that techno was with dream, him and dream had a... talk. it was just a nice, normal and calm talk, yknow- the usual. well, the usual as long as your usual talk consists of wilbur threatening to take out dreams epididymis by hand if he were to break technos heart. in the end, dream had to google what an epididymis was and even so, before he knew that that was the tube that carried his sperm he knew not to mess up with techno

•and last but not least- dream is the one that ends up proposing, and of course techno says yes. but then he later finds out that techno had actually planned to propose to dream the same day, but dream had beat him to it :]

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