the 'kissing under a mistletoe' cliche, except its more than a kiss

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hey girl, i may or may not write a makeout scene in this one👀

also at the time im writing this its december 20, so thats why we got the mistletoe and the christmas aesthetic going on :)


They were at a Christmas party Skeppy had hosted, only to look up to find a delighting surprise.

»»————-  ————-««

Techno hated parties. That was a fact everyone knew. And yet here he was, wearing a ruby coloured knitted sweater and holding one of those red cups you see in movies.

Skeppy had told him that it was just plain eggnog. But from what he had collected from Mega and Bad, it was defininitely spiked with whiskey.

So there he stood, leaning against the wall in one of the back corners of the large room, holding the cup but not drinking it and existing at the party but not participating in it.

Techno was honestly fine with that. Parties were never his thing in the first place. So just him being able vibe in the corner by himself, alone with nobody to bother him, was fine.

That was until a certain blond started approaching him.

His eyes were still fixed on the bright lights across the room and the view of everyone dancing so he hadn't realized that Dream was making his way towards him until he was directly in front of him.

"Hey" Techno jumped slightly, his eyes dilating and refocusing again on the person in front of him.

Oh. It was Dream.

Said man was wearing a lousy shamrock coloured christmas sweater, with his signature scribbled smiley face on the front. He also adorned black skinny jeans along with black and white converse. And in his hand, was a cliche red cup, similar to the one in Techno's hand.

"Oh yeah- hey" Techno chuckled nervously, not having expected for anyone to bother him that night. Let alone Dream, who could be doing a lot of other productive things right then rather than conversing with Techno.

"What's a pretty little thing like you standing here all by yourself?"

I'm sorry- what.

Techno was physically taken aback whilst also feeling a familiar heat starting to make its way up from his neck to his cheeks, lighting them up with a very prominent rose colour.

His mouth hung slightly unhinged whilst his eyes were still staring at the smirking blond in front of him.

Before he was able to properly process what Dream had just said and snap back with a clever comment, he felt a body stumbling into his.

The red cup full of unwanted alcohol be darned, he realized that somebody had accidentally smacked their body against Dream's, which then caused him to slam his body against Techno's, sending them both forwards and backwards respectively a few steps.

So now Dream's body was pressed flush against Techno's torso, the latter pushed back so he was situated firmly between Dream's body and one of he four corners of the party room.

"Ow! What the-" Techno stopped, opening his eyes from screwing them shut and looking up, seeing Dream almost in a way towering over him. Mind you, Dream was only an inch taller than the pinkette.

Techno's blush was had just been subsiding, but now he could feel it rising again. Being in such close proximity to his (secret) crush and rival was overwhelming. Especially in such a place where there were hauls of people bustling around them.

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