calling your lover babe, and almost getting killed by wilbur

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also important note so that i dont have to put this at the beginning of every chapter- this is in irl minecraft au. basically the characters are in minecraft, and they look like their minecraft personas. so techno actually has pink hair and wears a royal robe 95% of the time etc. but they also still have youtube channels and they can stream, in which like a small camera will just pop up like around their shoulder area and the camera just floats there and stuffs and yeah


Dream and Techno had been dating for a few months now. Though, they were not yet comfortable with making their relationship open for the public's eyes. And that included their friends and family memebers.

»»————-  ————-««

There was the time when he had let everyone know, and it was at Wilbur's dinner party. 

The brunette had invited all his friends to his house for no real special occasion. He simply just wanted to make dinner for his friends and then eat together and have a good time. And so when Wilbur had texted Techno the date and time, of course he and Dream had to go.

They both got dressed in casual clothes- really nothing fancy. They just needed to look presentable. So Dream threw on one of his iconic lime green hoodies with black ripped jeans, and Techno wore a simple white button up sweater with high waisted black jeans before they both headed out the door. 

They made it on time with a bottle of red wine. The brunette greeted his brother with a hug, and he greeted Dream with a pat on the shoulder.

Soon, everyone had arrived, and Wilbur brought out the dishes he and Phil had prepared. (Phil came early to help with the cooking(they're both great chefs))

Everything was going well, and everyone was having a good time. The food was amazing, and everyone felt the need to compliment the father and son for their amazing craftsmenship when it came to the culinary art at least four times.

Chatter could be heard around the dinner table as everyone was eating and conversing with eachother. Soon enough, everybody had finished their meals and they brought out the wines some people had brung when they arrived. 

That's when it happened.

Dream hadn't even realise until it was too late that the simple name had fallen out of his throat and out onto his toungue.

"Hey babe, can you pass me the wine" 

Every person present immediately snapped their heads towards the direction of Dream, the sound in the air frozen. 

Some were just in shock, trying to figure out who he had directed that to. Others had figured it out and were staring at both Dream and Techno in shock. Speaking of Techno- the pinkette could feel the heat starting to rise up his cheeks and all the way to the tips of his ears. Dream- on the other hand, was still trying to figure out why everyone was staring at him. That is until he looked at Techno, and saw his obviously blushing face burried in his hands out of embarrassment. And it was almost as if on instinct, did he look back specifically at Wilbur.

Or... where the brunette was sitting?

He felt his blood run cold... as he slowly turned his head backwards.

And there stood Wilbur, with the most forced and terrifying smile Dream thinks he had ever seen.

And just like that, his manhunt instincts kicked in as he absolutly booked it down the hall of Wilbur's house. The brunette not missing a beat and charging after Dream as if he had just taken his baby brother's virginity.

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