ive had a good run.

7.4K 135 100

the room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a faint computer screen. 

illuminated by the light was the face of a person, her complexion contorted to that of fatigue.

she sat comfortably on the floor of her room with her laptop open in front of her and on the sheets of her bed. she moved her mouse and clicked on discord, opening it and chatting with a few of the wonderful people she had met through there.

it brought a small smile to her face.

the voices in her head quieted down a bit on her stresses, so she opened youtube and started browsing through videos.

two videos turned into six, minutes became hours and soon she found herself diving back into old forgotten memories.

she binged all of dantdms old minecraft lets plays, and then all the episodes of ldshadowladys crazy craft series.

from wanting to collect all the inventory pets to the crazy craft war, she watched it all.

huh, the crazy craft war. it reminded her somewhat of the rolepayed dream smp war.

she hadnt touched that in a while.

out of pure curiosity, she stopped the video she was playing and opened wattpad.

371 notifications.

ranging from comments on her dreamnoblade fic, to replys of her own old comments, to notifications of one of her bookmarked fics updating.

it too, brought a smile to her face.

but there always comes a time when good things come to an end. there always comes a time where fascinations and young curiosity turn into bore and old memories.

maybe it was time to fully accept the idea of letting go.

»»————- ————-««

hey, its been a while hasnt it?

im sorry for disappearing for like four months and slapping a 'on hiatus' sticker on that, but im finally here and to apologize.

when i first joined the mcyt community, it was amazing. 

it freed my inner childhood and reminded me of how amazing a simple blockgame could be.

i met so many amazing people, and through it i joined a server that at the time was really focused on mcyt. of course, thats changed alot now but that server is still the server i spend the most time on and the server that i had met so many amazing and wonderful people through. and i give full credit to the content creators that brought the mcyt community together for that. withought dream, technoblade, wilbur or sapnap or any of those related content creators i wouldnt have met so many friends. 

and of course through my time in the community, i also started this fic, Dreamnobade Things.

i now almost have 20k reads on this and i cannot thank all of you guys enough for that. through this ive also gained so many followers on this platform and im genuinely so thankful.

its really amazing to be able to create and have people enjoy the things you do too alongside you, but of course, the more popular this fic became, the more i started to doubt.

ive gotten many dms on how i should off myself or how what im doing and creating is terrible and that im a terrible person for creating things for me and other people to enjoy.

of course, i wont go into details but that was just to sum it up.

i didnt really let the words affect me, but it did give me a sort of reality check.

see, ive been on wattpad for almost three years now, and those three years have been great.

there are so many amazing people with so much talent that they chose to share with us and i find that amazing. i find the power of creation so amazing and so wonderful.

fanfics in a way have helped me through so much in life. they gave me a place to stay and escape to whenever real life became too much, and i love fanfiction for that. to be able to feel like im not in reality and to feel like i could be with the fictional characters i love so much and to watch them interact with eachother.

so receiving so many hurtful messages on the platform i would use to escape reality was kind of shocking and just reminded me on how shit life can really be.

so i took a break.

took a break from writing, took a break from wattpad, and took a break from the mcyt community.

and so here i am now.

during that break, ive moved to ao3.

ao3 for me is alot better than wattpad, both content wise and people wise.

ive met alot of amzingly skillful creators on ao3 and of course its not perfect and of course theres still hate and negativity but for me, i was able to escape again.

during that break, ive moved on to a new community.

my friend first showed me genshin back in november, but i hadnt fully gottent into it until early february.

ive met amazing people and friended so many co op players and many of them i still hang out with on genshin weekly.

of course, the community is not perferct, no community is. but it gave me a place to escape to, and thats just great on its own for me.

during that break, i still havnt continued writing.

i do plan on writing again someday, but i dont think itll be today.

currently, im in the works of the first chapter of a genshin chatfic on ao3, but i dont think ill be writing anything serious for a while.

i hope you guys arent disappointed, because im sure there are many other dreamnoblade fics out there, and mine is just one among many.

ive had a good run, but i do think its time for me to say goodbye.

so goodbye, and until we meet again ^^

»»————- ————-««

in case if maybe you want to hang out some time on genshin or just have fun and chat, heres my uid: 617566094

and if you want to maybe read that chatfic when it comes out, then my user on ao3 is the same as the one im using on wattpad, yllejy

im on na server and im ar 42, and im open to friend requests :) so pls, if you play genshin, friend me! id love to hang out with yalls

until next time, i do hope we meet again soon.

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