we disapprove.

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hey, so im gonna assume yall know what toxic fans are, correct? :)


It wasn't until about a year later did they tell their fans.

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They were on season three of MCC, week seven when the incident arose.

Dream had been teamed with Grian, Fruitberries, and Wilbur Soot that week. Since the incident that happened at Wilbur's party, the brunette had calmed down a significant amount. Of course, even after a year Wilbur was still against the idea of his baby brother having a love life. But he would put aside his own standards for the happiness of Techno.

People had started their streams and the event had officialy started. People including Technoblade and Dream.

Before the event started, the pair had made a deal with eachother;

"If my team wins this MCC, then we have to tell our fans about our relationship. C'mon Techno, this has been going on for over a year now, they deserve to know!"

"Fine. But if my team wins, then I'm telling Wilbur and Phil that you cheated on me with George because frankly, I find it amusing whenever I see you getting tortured"

"And frankly, I do not want to get murdered for something I didn't even do"

"Guess you'll need to train extra hard this month then, darling"

And so now Dream stood with a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, praying to every god there is out there that he doesn't miss this shot.

The scores were two to two, and as much as it hurt his heart, he needed to land the hit on Techno in order for his team to win MCC week seven, and not get absolutely pummeled by Wilbur and Philza Minecraft.

He pulled back the string, and tracked Techno down with the tip of the arrow. He inhaled and everything seemed to have stopped in that moment. Time seemed to slow down, and as he watched the pinkette on the other side of the court moving around and trying to make it so Dream wouldn't be able to hit him, he managed to find an opening. Dream let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. And as he let go of the feathery end of the arrow, the string going with it, everything to speeding up for a second. He watched with a determined look as Techno seemed to stop for a mere second, but that was enough for the arrow to land it's target.

Purple sparks erupted, causing Dream to squeeze his eyes shut out of instinct.

When he opened them, he was on the stage beside his teammates. They were all congratulating him and hugging him. It took a few seconds, but Dream soon realized that his team had won MCC week seven.

He hugged all his teammates back, erupting into a well deserved group hug for the winners of the tournament.

"Let's go!!!" The all laughed and soon broke apart from the hug. The group moved their way up the stage, seeing all the other teams below clapping and giving shouts of support.

Dream only had to look through the crowd a little before he spotted the familiar pinkette.

He adjusted his crown before hopping off the stage, his teammates following soon after. Approaching Techno, Dream realized that the other seemed a bit nervous. When he was just arms reach from the other, Dream was about to ask what was wrong until he remembered the bet that they had agreed on before the tournament.

He pushed his mask up, uncovering his fierce green eyes. A light smirk found it's way onto the blond's face. He turned towards the streaming camera that was floating on his shoulder, and adjusted it so that it was floating about five feet away from the side of him. 

Dreamnoblade ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now