Part 11

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"Cmon Y/N, wake up, dinner's ready."

you groaned, somehow you felt even more tired then before, nevertheless you got out of the bed and walked towards the closet, you grabbed your clothes before going to the bathroom to change, asking Chara while you did so.

"You know whats for dinner?"

"yeah, pizza and potato wedges with salt, everyone decided to make a night out of it and have some chocolate cake for dessert afterwards."

"so its just a junk night?"

"pretty much."

You left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen/lounge thing, Chara besides you as you did so. You saw everyone getting plates ready while Jason was taking a pizza out the oven, he spotted you and called you over.

"Hey Y/N!"


"Can you go get the potato wedges out the microwave? They should be ready by now."


You did as asked and walked over to the microwave, you opened the door to it as you got a towel to protect your hands from being burnt, you took out the wedges and placed them in the centre of the table, Jason setting the pizza down besides it.

You went to a draw and pulled out a conveniently placed pizza cutter. Walking back to the pizza you proceeded to cut it into evenly sized slices, you froze time and placed slice after slice onto the plates, you did the same with the wedges and unfroze time after you sat down, after a moment everybody realised what you did and thanked you for it. After a small discussion about what would be the next activity, you thinking it would be a agility test of some sort, you  started to eat, the pizza was one of the best you had, having the perfect amount of oil and crispy-ness to satisfy your desires for a pizza. The wedges were how you expected them to be, oh very slightly too salty, it was however nothing to complain about and you enjoyed the meal, having good conversations with Chara, Jason and a few others.

after about 20 or so minutes everybody had finished the food and decided to bring out the dessert of chocolate cake, you decided to pass, you didn't feel like gouging yourself on any more food, especially since you planned to train your magical stamina tomorrow and having a stomach ache from all the food would not help whatsoever.

You excused yourself from the table and headed back to your room, where you took a shower and got changed into your pyjamas, laying on your bed while waiting for Chara to finish her cake. Eventually Chara did come into the room, she smiled at you and placed a piece of cake on the bedside table.

"Just incase you change your mind." she said. "Listen i'm gonna go take a shower and get changed, we remember what happened last time so don't burst in unless someone is getting brutally murdered"

You nodded and respected her request, Chara grabbed her pyjamas and entered the bathroom, you heard a shower starting.

You got off the bed and started bending backwards to crack your back while waiting for Chara to finish, you noticed how far low you could bend so you decided to see how much further down you could go, after about 30 seconds of trying this Chara came to out to see you bending so far down only your knees and below were upright, you could feel you lungs pushing against your ribs and your ribs pushing against your skin, you heard Chara's comment towards this bizarre pose.

"What the fuck???"

you laughed and immediately fell over, you crashed down onto the floor with a thud as Chara picked you up bridal style and threw you onto the bed.

"Ow, where did that come from?"

"you being a idiot."

"alright calm down Mc 'i cant stretch my back because im too lazy to move a muscle' "

"what did you say?"

"nnnnoooothing :)"

Chara picked up a pillow and chucked it at you, you picked it up from your face and chucked it back, a pillow fight then ensued, Chara obviously getting the edge on you since she was better at dodging, you decided to not use timestop as it was unfair, after about 15 minutes of this you put your hand up and Chara stopped.

"While that may have been fun, you definitely beat me and i'm also extremely tired now."

"Admit defeat or the pillow beating will go on!" Chara exclaimed, readying the pillow yet again.

"I surrender." 

"good, now what do you wanna do?"

"Mainly go to sleep..."

"you're no fun!"

"fun is subjective."

"Stop being smart."

"No, anyways i'm going to sleep now and you can't stop me."

"fine, goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Chara."

You laid your back against the pillows and shut your eyes, you weren't sure when, but you did fall asleep.

You awoke to Chara hugging her pillow, faced away from you. You groaned as you got out of bed and got changed into your spare clothes, you kissed Chara on the head as you left the room, walking back to the first room where you were almost crushed, you took a deep breath and started chucking knives.

After a few minutes you felt the energy drain setting in, you kept going however and a few minutes later you started feeling pain, you persisted and kept chucking knives, their shape becoming more defined and realistic.

After about 15 minutes of pure knife throwing you were on your knees trying to take in a full breath without causing 19 gallons of pain, it was at this point Chara found you and the following conversation ensued:

"Y/N! What happened?!" Chara frantically ran towards you to check if you were hurt.

"t-ried practic-ing magic, tried too ha-rd"

"are you hurt though?"

"no-t really, jus-t a very pa-inful stitch."

Chara sighed, she put you on her back and started walking back to your shared room.

"if your going to practice magic then do it slowly over a long period of time, doing it like this will make it extremely hard for you to do magic when it matters because you burnt out all your energy earlier, if you only did it for around 15 minutes of pure knife throwing then you should be able to do magic again in a day or so, but only if you rest, okay?"

Chara reached the room and placed you on the bed, she told you to rest and not do anything until you got back your energy as she left the room. You listened and tried to breathe normally again, failing terribly, you knew this was gonna be a pain in the ass for about 10 minutes.

after a while when your breathing had gone back to normal you fell asleep yet again.

UniTale: The Darkened rooms [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now