Part 7

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You woke up to Chara shaking you, she had a slight smile on her face while she did so.

"C'mon Y/N, wake uppppp!"

"how about nu, let me sleep."

"if you don't eat you will become a skeleton, and while i may know a few they are meant to be, humans however, are not."

"alright, just gimmie a minute to properly wake up."

"hmmm, no get up now you big baby." Chara teased while kissing you on the cheek.

"woah woah woah, where did that come from?"

"where did what come from?"

"that kiss, a bit random wouldn't you say?"

"well we gotta start sometime soon, otherwise we'll be really good friends."

"true... alright i'm gonna get changed, tell the others i'll be down soon."


"oh yeah, what is dinner by the way?"

"uhhh, it's spaghetti bolognese, why?"

"just wanted to know, i'll be down soon."

"alright, see ya there Y/N!" said Chara as she walked out of the room, shutting it behind her.

You got up, cracking your neck and fingers. You walked to the closet and pulled out the jeans and shirt you had worn only a few hours ago.

You got changed and quickly combed your hair with your hands before heading down to the main room, where everyone was sitting with a plate in front of them around a large table.

you said your 'evening' s to people and took a your seat next to Chara, for some reason though there was no plate for you.

"Where did you guys get the plates?" you asked, wondering why there was one short.

"we decided to let the couple share a plate" said someone who was on the red leather sofa.

you instantly turned red again, and buried your face into your arms, Chara was quick to hug you.

"Awww it's okay my shy little baby"

you  made a inaudible noise underneath Chara's hug, why couldn't people just shut up about it?

"don't worry i'm sure we wont end up picking two sides of the same noodle."

you grumbled, lifted your head up, grabbed a fork, and put a mouthful of spaghetti in your mouth.

Everybody else started eating, nobody in particular paying attention to you or Chara, you felt a little bit better eating like this knowing nobody was going to judge you.

You took another bite of spaghetti, it was slightly dry, but nothing to complain about, you continued eating, eventually you and Chara finished the plate, without the whole lip kissing thing.

You said goodnight to everyone and went back up to your room, Chara came in behind you.

"So, how did you like the spaghetti Y/N?"

"it was, a bit dry, but nothing to complain about."

"yeah i thought it tasted a bit weird, guess that explains it then."

"Wanna play a game of black jack?" you asked.

"sure, thats the only traditional card pack game i know how to play, besides snap course."

You pulled out a pack of cards you had found in a draw earlier and set out the cards.

After a few games where you won 3 and Chara 2 you decided to take a shower and go to sleep.

"hey Chara, im gonna go take a shower and head to bed, we shouldn't stay up too late, especially considering we're doing another challenge thing tomorrow."

"Alright, i think i'll have a shower after you."

You picked up your pyjamas and headed to the bathroom that branched off your room, you opened the door and closed it behind you.

After taking a good long shower, properly washing your hair and checking your legs and arms for any damage. You stepped out, dried off and put on your pyjamas, you hung up the towel and walked back into the main bedroom.

"alright, i'm done, you can go in now."

Chara looked towards you and nodded, she then walked past you and into the  bathroom shutting the door.

you went and lied on the bed, about 30 seconds later you realised you left your clothes in the bathroom. You stood up and walked towards the door, you knocked.

"Hey Chara I think i-" you cut off as you opened the door to see what was in front of you.

Chara was standing there, with only a towel, with her side to you.

She looked towards you, shrieked and pushed you out the door, slamming it behind you.

you didn't say anything, you just went back to the bed and laid down.

Eventually Chara came out of the bathroom, dressed this time, slapped you across the face and laid down next to you, even if she was facing the other way.

"sorry about what happened, i had forgot my clothes in there and wasn't thinking and i ju-"

"shut up."

"o-okay, goodnight Chara."

you felt bad about what happened, but you knew it would be pointless trying to talk to her at this moment, so you just shut your eyes and went to sleep.

UniTale: The Darkened rooms [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now