Part 2 (i dont own the music)

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As he said this a rectangle was highlighted in bright neon white.

"n-n-now, li-i-i-sten carfull-y-y-y, i am only going to explain this one-one-once, one of you a-r-r-re going to stand her-r-r-e" a highlighted square appeared on the ground on the opposite side of the room. "the ce-e-e-iling will slowly come do-o-own, after a ce-r-r-r-tain point the door wil-l-l-l open, if you do-o-o-on't make it in time you wi-l-l-l-ll be crushed, und-e-e-rstand?"

everybody nodded, this being a simple task everybody understood almost immediately.

You knew however that this would probably be where you die, you brought nothing to the class to escape, if anything you were considered the weakest and slowest in the class, which was true to a degree.

You walked towards the square, everybody, including Chara, understood what you were doing.

Everybody watched as the ceiling slowly started descending, as the thing touched your head you saw the door open, you saw everybody run through, you started dashing sideways towards the door, the ceiling already forcing you to bend down, as you were about 3 metres from the door you were forced to go on your back and push your legs up to the ceiling to prevent being crushed, however, the ceiling kept persisting, pushing your legs and eventually your arms closer down to your body.

You felt like you were going to snap, like a twig under someones foot, snap in two, but much much more painful, and then, just as your legs and arms were about to break, after you had lost all feeling in them, the ceiling got slightly lighter, as you turned your head you saw jason, holding up the ever descending ceiling, as soon as you noticed this you started army crawling towards the door, it still slightly descending.

As soon as you got past the door Jason let go and the ceiling crashed down with a thud.

you turned over and looked at Jason, he ran towards you and hugged you.

"Thank god you didn't die, you mean way to much to me y/n."

"i owe you one, but, where are the others?" you asked

"oh, they're right through there" he pointed towards another door. "it turned out this was just a corridor combining the two rooms. Anyway, the class has a LOT to ask, so be ready..."

"thanks for the heads up. if i can even get over there i will try to answer as many questions as i can."

Jason immediately slung your arm over his shoulder and pulled you up, you both slowly started walking towards the door, as it opened everybody was sitting down, all in seperate places, some were on a red leather couch, another a black single chair and some just on the floor.

as you entered they all looked towards you, visible shock on their faces. just as one of them was about to speak the glitchy voice belonging to error started speaking.

"well do-o-one, i am impr-r-re-e-ssed, you survived, however i do need to sp-p-p-eak with you and ch-a-a-ara, privately."

as this was said a glitchy portal appeared, you and chara got pulled into it, when you opened your eyes you were in a white void, however there was nobody there but you and chara. and then the voice spoke.

"The rea-a-a-ason i pulled you both he-r-e was that you two are alt-e-e-e-rnate versions of e-e-each other, and i want to see wh-h-hat you two do with thi-ii-i-is info, now get out."

another portal was opened and you were both flung through again. as you landed the voice spoke.

"n-o-o-w, you will hav-e-e-e one day to re-e-e-lax and heal, after that da-y-y-y you will do another activit-t-ty, got it?"

everybody nodded

"an-n-n-nother thing, there is n-n-not enough rooms for a-a-all of you, one of yo-u-u-u will have to sh-a-a-re"

with that being said the voice disappeared.

Everybody looked towards you, you knew what was coming...

after a few seconds everyone started yelling questions at you, you were pretty sure that someone said 'DID YOU AND JASON DO ANYTHING IN THE CORRIDOR?? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

and that was the breaking point, you asked for Jason to take you to one of the rooms, in which he obliged, after laying you down he went back out, as you tried to fall asleep you heard him yell "GUYS HE ALMOST DIED JUST NOW, GIVE HIM SOME FUCKING TIME TO REST, THE POOR SOD CAN'T EVEN WALK!!!" this was how you knew he was serious, Jason never swore unless he was being serious, and most people knew this.

you closed your eyes and blocked out the noise, it all going through one ear and out the other, about 5 mins later you opened your eyes, you now being able to walk and hold things, even if it still slightly hurt, you stood up and looked around the room, it had a basic bed, closet and nightstand, nothing more, nothing less.

you walked towards the closest and opened it, inside were your pyjamas and a white shirt with jeans.

"odd..." you mumbled, i guess it made sense, error could warp the clothes to whatever room you would be staying in.

Regardless of how they got there, you quickly changed into your pyjamas and went back to lie down, you fell asleep for the first time since you appeared here, where instead of darkness, a bright light enveloped you...

UniTale: The Darkened rooms [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now