Christmas special (this wont really make any difference to the story)

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this chapter is a dream, end of.


Chara stood besides you, facing a empty white wall in a otherwise very comfortably furnished house while you had your hand out, a purple and black 'Overwrite' button ready to be pressed.

"C'mon Y/N, why not???" Chara whined.

"Overwriting doesn't just create things, XChara said it himself, overwriting was made to keep a balance of destruction and creation, i need something else to transform into a christmas tree, also i'm not going to overwrite anyway, we already have a tree."

"But we have to put that tree together..."

"And thats the fun part. I wont use the ability of editing existence to make a christmas tree, that's just an insult to what it's capable of."


"No, Chara i won't."

"Pretty please???"

"Stop trying Chara, a tree is right next to us and we are going to build it."

"You're no fun..."

"Yet we went on several adventures through several universes and had a blast while doing it."

"But living in a calm and peaceful town is boringgggggg."

"Be careful for what you wish for, at any moment another threat could come, and it could kill both you and me while we sleep, so tell me Chara, is that fun?"


"Exactly... Tell ya what, help me put up this Christmas tree and we might go to StoryShift and see your family on Christmas okay?"

"fine. I haven't seen them in ages anyway, i hope they're happy, living on the surface now."

"So do I, I can't imagine the look on the humans faces when they see monsters roaming the streets on a seemingly random day. Really though, living skeletons, walking goats, A sentient god damn flower. I'm not too sure how they reacted but hopefully they can co-exist and push forward sentient evolution, maybe learn to cross the timelines themselves someda-"

you paused, thinking about dust-tale, the horror universes and numerous other deadly worlds.

"On second thought maybe that wouldn't be a good idea."

"So anyways, can you overwrite the tree now?"

You sighed, this was going to be a long day...

You awoke to Chara shaking you, back in your room, you sat up, wondering about what that dream was about.


sorry for late christmas special and it being short. i can't think of anything yet so uh....


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