Part 1

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You just woke up, everything was dark.
"oh boy, one of those days..." you thought, every so often the sky would be so dark in morning you would still thinks its night, nonetheless, you got up, ready to prepare for school.

That's when you noticed it, it wasn't just that what you thought was the sky was dark, but everything was, you then realised you weren't in your bed along with the fact all your classmates were around you, all asleep as well.
"when in gods name.." you started, you sadly lost your train of thought as nothing came to mind...

after waiting about 15 minutes someone else woke up, his name was Jason, one of your only friends you could trust, after he gained his own bearings he was just as confused as you, it was only then that you both noticed the girl in the green jacket, she wasn't one of your classmates, but you felt like you knew her for some reason...

after a while everybody else woke up, including the girl, as soon as she became somewhat aware of what was going on a voice appeared from nowhere, like it was being played through a faulty VHS recorder.

"R-r-r-rise and shine cu-cu-cupcakes, you aren't in your homes and you ar-ar-aren't going to school anytime soon."

you recognised the voice, it sounded a bit different but you swore it could have been... no, it couldn't be, they were from a video game after all. However you looked over to one of your classmates, he wasn't really a friend but he also knew quite a bit about the game, your eyes met at the same time and you could practically read each others mind, now you were almost certain on who it was.

"L-l-l-isten here r-r-rats, your going to be doing some f-f-fun activities for me-e-e-e, i-i-if you fail, you will die g-g-g-got it?"

most of your classmates agreed with the mysterious voice, not knowing who it was or what he could do.

"N-n-now, some of the-e-e-se activities will require f-f-fi-fighting, so i'm going to give you th-th-the clothes and weapons you would be most e-e-e-fective in."

When he said that, yours and all your classmates pyjamas disappeared, being replaced with new items of clothing on you and items on the ground. your new outfit consisted of a purple jacket, black shirt and black climbing trousers, in front of you was a knife, everyone else seemed to have changed into different and seemingly random clothes, with weapons in front of them.

"No-o-o-o-w, you can have 5 mi-mi-mi-minutes to discuss and talk or wh-wh-wh-atever."

after that was said the disappeared, all your classmates looked around before splitting into different groups, you and your classmate walked towards each other.

"you know what that was y/n?" asked the classmate

"we both know that we think its the same person alex, and if that is the case, that means she" you would point over to the girl in the green jacket. "would be her."

"there's only one way to tell... I'll let you ask her, if your wrong at least i wont be called crazy!" alex said before walking off to talk to someone else.

"fuck you too alex..." you mumbled

you walked over to the girl and started speaking


"huh? oh heya, whats up?"

"is your name by any chance, Chara?"

"yeah, why?"

"you know about the timelines don't you..."

The girl, Chara, gave you a dead expression before saying

"listen, whoever you are, you're clearly smarter then everybody else here, not academically, but definitely more rooted in reality. I know that you won't tell anyone but yes, i do know about the timelines, although this has never happened before."

"quick question, what route are you from, atleast the most recent one?"

she gave you another dead expression


"another question, are you aware of the AU's?"

"I've read up on them, although i may not be outside them, say i know about others, i know it isn't too far fetched to believe."

"alright, me and a friend, who both know a thing or two about this, have played some games with this thought behind it. So i'm going to assume that Asriel is already dead in your universe?"

"jeez, way to ease into it... but yes he is dead, however this time just as i was about to collect his bandanna i woke up here."

"Alright, i think i have enough info, thank you fo-"

you were interrupted before you could finish your sentence however, the RHS, well, glitched voice as you now knew, began talking.

"o-o-okay, i'm bored, n-n-n-now, Y-y-y/n is right, i am error, and that is storyshift chara, you should k-k-k-now how dangerous i am-m-m-m, so don't try rebbeli-i-i-ng, anyway-way-way-ways, as i said, i'm bored, the fi-fir-first activity will begin n-o-o-w."

UniTale: The Darkened rooms [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now