1 - At The Bar

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"Rory, hurry up! I want to get there before it gets too crowded." Meredith shouted up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes as I finished the last piece of hair I flatironed. I flattened it down and examined myself in the mirror.

Damn, I look hot.

I put on some red lipstick and a black tee. I slipped on some dark blue jeans and black boots. I grabbed my phone and hurried down the stairs to an impatient Maggie, Amelia, and Meredith waiting for me.

"Finally! You think you would want to be in and out tonight since you start a new job tomorrow." Maggie said in a berating tone.

"Yeah, I know I do. You've brought it up almost 1,000 times." I snarked back.

Maggie rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys off the hanger. We were about to walk out the door when Amelia stopped.

"Do you think I should tell Owen we're going out?" Amelia asked us.

Meredith, Maggie, and I groaned in unison at her question.

"No! And you should stop sleeping with your ex." I scolded.

"Hey! You have no room to judge. You were fucking Eric until January." Amelia quipped back.

Ah, Eric. My boyfriend since med school. He was a great lay but not good at commitment. He was my first love since George and my hardest break up.

"Actually, I can judge. That was 6 months ago and you're still doing this tango with Owen. You've been divorced for two months." I stated.

Someone behind us cleared their throat and I shook my head.

"Why are we arguing? It's girls night! We're supposed to be getting drunk and celebrating that I start working tomorrow. But not just anywhere. Under my big sisters. So I don't want to argue. I want to go get drunk and bring some guy back to my apartment later." I exclaimed as I reached for my jacket.

"Rory's right. We should go and get drunk tonight. Tomorrow isn't another regular day so tonight, we're celebrating. Who's with me?" Meredith suggested.

"I'm in. In fact, I'm so ready." Maggie said.

We all began to cheer as Meredith raised her hand.

"My children are sleep and the sitter won't be able to put them back down if we wake them." Meredith whispered.

"Sorry." we all muttered.

We all walked out the door and off the porch. We walked to Meredith's car as she unlocked it and we climbed in.

Meredith started up the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"You know, you're the designated driver, Meredith. Which means what, Rory?" Amelia questioned.

"No tequila for her! Suck it." I exclaimed as I pulled the seatbelt on.

"You know, you all suck. I hope you get alcohol poisoning." Meredith said as she stared at the road.

"That is no way to speak to your youngest sister. You know I had a bad childhood." I said, poking out my lip.

"Oh, shut up. We grew up in the same house. I had the same childhood." Meredith said.

I chuckled as we continued to drive to the club. It went silent before Maggie turned on the radio.

A song by Tegan and Sara came on and Meredith turned around to look at us.

"You love this song!" we all exclaimed as we began to sing.

"Look me in the eye
And tell me you don't find me attractive
Look me in the heart
And tell me you won't go
Look me in the eye
And promise no love's like our love
Look me in the heart
And un-break broken, it won't happen
It's love that leaves and breaks
The seal of always thinking you would be
Real happy and healthy, strong and calm
Where does the good go?
Where does the good go?"

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