9 - Still The Same

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I'm walking down the hallway, pulling my hair into a ponytail, when I notice it. People are staring at me. It's so weird, though.

They're not staring at me in a gossipy, rude way. They're staring at me in a awestruck, idolizing way.

One person even takes it as far as walking up to me and giving me a cup of coffee.

I thank them as they walk away. I skeptically sip the coffee and to my surprise, it isn't poisoned and it tastes pretty good.

I continuing walking, sipping my coffee, and I walk into the lab. Meredith is sitting by the 3-D printer, biting on the end of her pen.

"Hello, Dr.Grey." I say sarcastically before sitting on the stool next to her.

"I know you're joking but I find it soul lifting, so thank you." Meredith taunts.

"Mer, the weirdest thing just happened. Some random person just gave me a cup of coffee. For free." I exclaim.

"What makes you so special?" Meredith asks.

"I don't know. Also, they were staring at me as if I'd just won a Harper Avery." I state.

"Only room in the family for one of us to do that." Meredith taunts.

"Bitch. Anyways, my point is that I've never gotten this type of attention before. Not even when it came to light that we were actually related." I tell her as I take another sip of coffee.

"I think it's that speech." Meredith says.

"Come again?" I query.

"You know. The speech you gave about your rape a few days ago. I've been hearing how inspired by you they are. Honestly, I think you've struck a lot of hearts with it." Meredith reveals.

"This is weird. When people in this hospital talk about me, the words "That's Ellis Grey's kid" or "Meredith Grey's little sister" usually follow. I don't want to be treated differently because I chose to talk about something that happened to me 10 years ago." I tell her before drinking some more coffee.

"I think you're awesome. I mean, if it was me, I wouldn't have been able to do what you did." Meredith states.

"Because you're so great at keeping shit bottled up." I say sarcastically while I roll my eyes.

"Bitch." she exclaims as she shoved my arm.

I laugh and she ruffles my hair, causing me to groan.

"Touché, Mer. Touché." I state, trying my best to fix my hair.


I'm walking down the hallway, going to meet Andrew at lunch, when I run into Dr.Webber.

"Grey, just the person I wanted to see." Webber says excitedly.

"Yes, sir?" I question.

"I have a pancreatectomy at 4 that I want you to scrub in." Webber states.

I feel my face change into one of pure shock and I smile.

"You sure you aren't looking for the other Dr.Grey, sir?" I ask.

"Does it look like Meredith is here?" Webber queries with a raised eyebrow.

I look around and to my big surprise, Meredith is nowhere to be found.

"Thank you, sir. You won't regret it." I exclaim.

"I'll see you in the O.R., Grey." Webber tells me as he walks away.

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