13 - Trying To Reach Them

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- A/N : Hey, my loves! I just want to apologize ahead of time for the use of song lyrics that I will be incorporating into this chapter. I love you all, dearly. Stick with me, please!

After I put Bailey, Ellis, & Zola to bed, I climbed into the attic. From there, I climbed atop the roof and sat there. I decided that I wanted to speak to someone that wasn't Lexie.

"Hey, Georgie. It's been a while." I say softly with a sniffle.

I look up the stars and I remember when he and I used to sneak up here when everyone was asleep and we'd connect the stars. We would make it our date nights, with food and drinks, just enjoying each other's company.

"I don't know if you're down here with me. Or if you're up there, living your best life. Well, afterlife." I joke with a sad chuckle.

I rub my hands together before cupping my arms around my knees.

"I know you've seen it. I'm engaged. I'm so happy about it because I love Andrew. But I miss you. Not even as my boyfriend, that wasn't the best part. You were my best friend, George. When I needed you, no matter what terms, you were always there. But you don't get it. I need you now. I need my best friend. I don't think you understand." I whisper.

Looking up at the stars again, it's as if I could see a smile connected by the constellations.

"Georgie, I-." I'm cut off when someone climbs onto the roof.

"Hey! What are you doing out here?" Andrew asks before coming to sit next to me.

"Hey. I have something to tell you." I tell him.

"I love you. If you did it, I have your back. Honestly." he whispers.

"I love you, too. I-. Did what?" I ask, looking over at him.

"You know, hit Paul with a car." Andrew says.

"What?! I didn't hit Paul with a car! I've been here this whole time with the kids." I reveal.

"Rory, please don't use your nieces and nephew as an alibi." he responds.

"Andrew, I'm telling the truth. I came to relieve the babysitter. Once the kids went to bed, I came up here. Honest." I state, running my hands through his hair.

"Oh. Well, the fucker got what he deserved, anyways. Now, what did you have to tell me?" Andrew questions.

I take a deep breath before turning to him again.

"Have you ever heard of George O'Malley?" I ask him.

"Everyone's at Grey-Sloan has heard of George. He died a hero. What does he have to do with anything?" he queries with his eyebrow raised.

The tears stream down my face as I sigh.

"I used to love him. George O'Malley. He was first." I tell him softly.

"Your first?" Andrew inquires.

"My first everything. My first love. My first sex partner. My first. And then he died. Because, you know, everyone dies on me. My mom. Lexie. Mark. Everyone dies. And I can't cope with that." I state lowly.

"I won't die on you." he assures me.

"You promise?" I ask, my voice cracking a little.

"I promise. So, do you sit up here, contemplating your life?" Andrew asks me as he runs his hands through my hair.

"I sit by myself, talking to the moon. Trying to get to them." I respond, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"So, Paul was here. Is here. Do you want to talk about it?" he queries.

"No. I just want to be here with you. And the stars. Because all I need is you." I reply, my smile slowly returning.

Looking back up at the sky, I see George and I's favorite constellation : The Big Dipper.

Tonight's for you, Georgie.


I walk into the hospital, a huge weight lifted off of me. I mean-. I know you're not supposed to wish death on someone but he raped me when I was 16. And from what I heard from Jo, he deserved. So yes, a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I'm glad he's dead.

I'm meeting with Mer, Amy, & Maggie to discuss my plans about my wedding before my first surgery of the day. I walk into the attending's lounge like I run the place. I urge for everyone who wasn't my sisters to leave, my bosses or not.

After much cursing and muttering, they finally leave. I smile to myself before plopping down onto the couch that was in the middle of the lounge.

"This couldn't wait, Rory?" Mer asks as she sips her coffee.

"No, it could not. Your little sister is getting married. Why can't you be more enthusiastic about it?" I ask with a small frown.

"Because you want to have a big wedding for no reason. You won't do simple and easy. Like me." Meredith replied.

"One, you just described how quick it used to take to get you in bed. Two, you got married on a Post-It in the disgusting resident's lounge. I'm not taking wedding advice from you." I state.

Maggie and Amelia snicker to themselves while Meredith nods to herself and sips her coffee once more.

"I'm actually not taking marriage advice from
any of you. Maggie, you had a fiancé and you two never slept in the same bed. Amelia, your marriage lasted about as long as my hairstyles. You people are not role models for my marriage." I explain bluntly.

They look at me as if I did something wrong and I shake my head.

"I said nothing wrong and I never tell lies." I add.

"You lied about fucking my best friend for 2 years and thought I didn't know." Mer retaliates.

"You fucked my best friend in my bed when I stayed at Berkeley for spring break one year in college. But this isn't about that. This is about my wedding." I exclaim.

"I-I can give you the handle of Owen and I's wedding planner." Amelia chimes in, desperate to change the direction the conversation was heading in.

"Oh, yes! Your wedding was lovely. Now, I need a maid of honor. Maggie, I love you. But it cannot be you." I tell her.

"What?! Why not?" Maggie asks.

"No matter how much time has passed and who you're dating, you've seen my fiancé naked. I still want you to be in the wedding party, though." I tell her.

"So who is going to be your maid of honor?" Meredith questions.

"Andrew and I were thinking. These are modern times. We don't have to follow the guidelines of a "traditional wedding". He wants Carina to be his best man and I want Logan to be my maid of honor. Unless you think that idea totally sucks." I said, a frown appearing on my face once more.

"No! It's a good idea. To hell with society's norms, right?" Amelia says.

"Right you are, Amy. Anyways, that's about it. Ellis will be the flower girl and I'm going dress shopping tonight. Thank you all for agreeing to meet me here. Enjoy you day." I tell them as I leave the lounge.

"You left us no fucking choice, Rory!"

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