These will be one shots of Ron, Fred, and George Weasley in the hp stories :) These chapters will be longer :) hope you enjoy!
all rights...
song: classic by mtko idea: @simpfourtheweasleys (on tiktok)
george's pov—
"y/n and i have always been good friends but what did she does like me back!! like what if this whole plan fails! all of the practices we did!!" i said nervously passing around the gryffindor common room. "don't worry georgie. she really likes you i'm sure of it. this whole plan will work don't worry." he said calming me a little bit. the yule ball was in 3 weeks and i had finally come up with the perfect plan to as y/n, though i came up with this plan 4 weeks ago practice makes perfect. or progress what ever y/n says.
y/n's pov—
"mione why cant i just wear sweats to dinner? i mean it's hogwarts lazy day (one day a week you don't have to wear a uniform) let me relax." i said annoyed a little. "trust me just wear a cute outfit it'll make sense." she rolled her eyes and laughed as we not walked into the prefect bathroom. we both took 30 minutes showers and after that i went to my vanity and started doing my makeup since i apparently had to look a little nice while mione had gotten ready in the bathroom after the shower and she went back to her common room. i used some concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and bronzer. i then got up to my closet. "some decent" i mumbled looking through all my clothes.
i then put on a long on the tighter side green turtle neck that went about midway up my neck and some light blue slightly ripped mom jeans. i cuffed the bottoms since they were long on me then put on my mid rise black converse. i made my way back to my vanity and picked out some jewelry. i put in some smaller silver hoops and the necklace george had given me for my 15th birthday. i wore it almost every day. (it's at the end of story) yes, me and george have been best friends since birth practically. when i was younger both my parents had died and they were great friends with the weasley so i had lived with them ever since then. i shared a room with ginny which was actually quite fun, we'd gossip all night and play games.
i had always felt a different feeling towards george tho. i've always been a little closer to him than everyone else. it's been a crush for awhile but i think i hid it pretty well.
georges pov— hermione came running into the great hall and she ran up to fred, ron, and i. ok she should be down here in a few minutes. "are you excited george!!? i mean you're finally making a move!! a very cute one especially with everyone around might i add." she smiled then looked at all of the students eating in the great hall. "i am, just a little nervous." i chuckled.
y/n's pov—
i made my way from the common room down to the great hall and i immediately went to the slytherin table and sat next to draco and blaise. "hello boy." i sat and smiled in between them and they both smiled back. they looked suspicious. "ok what's going on you two?" i asked looking between them. "oh nothing y/n." "you'll see." draco and blaise said at the same time and blaise hit draco in the back of the head. "spill what's going-" i was immediately cut off by the sound of drums being played coming from the "stage" in the great hall.
i looked up along with everyone else eating dinner and saw fred playing the drums a huge ass smile on his face. oh god what were they up to. ron joined in and started playing the guitar and then george walked up a microphone in hand. "what the hell is going on?" i said causing draco and blaise to laugh. "ooooo woah woah ooooo." george began to sing. i knew george had a good voice but damn. "let's go!!" fred sang. "oh girl you're shining like a fifth avenue diamond!! and they don't make you like they used too, you're never going outta style!" everyone in the great hall started to cheer and clap along to the song including me. george and i then made eye contact and he winked and began singing again. what in the hell was this boy plotting.
"ohhh pretty baby, this world might've gone crazy they way you stare at me who could blame me when i just wanna make you smile." he had a huge smile on his face as he kept eye contact with me. i felt a bunch of eyes on me but people kept clapping to the song. "i wanna do you like michael, i wanna kiss ya like prince..." people laughed and cheered as he sang and fred rocked the drums while ron played guitar. i looked over at mione sitting at the gryffindor table with huge smile staring at me. i looked back at the ginger boys as george made strong eye contact with me. "write a song for you like this..." he sung then winked. "you're over my head, outta mind, thinking i was born in the wrong time, one of a kind living in a world gone plastic, baby your so classic..." he smiled and i smiled back feeling myself grow red.
people eventually ran up to the front of the stage claiming cheering for the boys me included. everyone danced as the sung and people kept their eyes around me. wait.. was george singing to me?!?? no he couldn't be, could he?
draco and blaise kept laughing at me dancing along to the song and clapping to the beat. gotta admit, this was a really fucking good song. how the hell did george write this i thought. george then took the microphone off the stand and walked through everyone and he made his way towards me. "baby your classic your making me sick, never met a girl like you ever till we met." he almost rapped grabbing my hand spinning me causing me to laugh. "a star in a point center point in the 50's, got me tripping out like the 60's!" he then let go of my hand and went back up stage and continued singing. i felt myself hot, either for dancing for the fact that george was definitely singing this about me. there's no way he couldn't be right?
"you're just so classic!!" he sang and fred went off on the drums and ron on the guitar. "your over my head outta my mind thinking i was born in the wrong time..." he began to sing again everyone clapping and joining in now knowing the lyrics. "outta my league old school cheic, like a movie star on a world screen." (sorry if these lyrics are wrong!) i couldn't take the huge smile i had off my face. who knew george could make me feel like this. i got buttfiles again as he winked at me and went back downstage towards me. "baby your so classic." he sang as fred and ron kept playing a few seconds later the music stopped and everyone roared with cheers and laughter and clapping.
"so y/n, how would you like to be my date to the yule ball?" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "you're serious right?" i asked with a huge smile. "no i'm george." he said causing me to roll my eyes hiding my laughter. "what do you think this means?" i asked feeling bold. i cupped his cheek and pulled him down placing a kiss on his lips. he immediately kissed me back and everyone started cheer. i felt myself and george smile into the kiss.
best day ever.
the necklace:
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