Its always been him, Fred x Lily

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Fred and Lily have always been bestfriends. They dated for a little bit during their 5th year and did fall in love, it just didn't work out. And yet they're stayed bestfriends, which is usually suspicious. Lily never truly lost feelings for fred and she didn't know if he'd felt the same.

"Ok lil's all we have to do is throw a few dung bombs in his room during 4th hour." Fred said and George nodded. "What if we get caught?" Lily asked. "We never do." Both boys said at the same time. I rolled my eyes. I'll never get used to that. "Wait are we doing this today?" The black haired gryffindor girl asked. Fred nodded. We continued talking about the prank till I felt a hand slip onto my thigh. I look down and see Fred's hands placed in the middle of my thigh and he draws little shapes with his thumb as it rests their. I got butterflies. I look up to see him talking to George who was seated across from him unphased. I tried to act like I wasn't effected but damn did he have an effect on me.

—time skip—-
It's now the beginning of 4th hour and I'm waiting for the twins in the library. I put my hair in a side braid to keep it out of my face and I decided to take my robes and put them in my dorm leaving me in my white skirt and gryffindor sweater. "Hey lils there you are!!" Fred said running into the library with George right behind me. "Shhhh!! You're going to get us caught you bimbo!!" I said putting my finger to my mouth causing them both to roll their eyes. "Honestly woman, we'll be fine don't worry." George said and he received a dirty look from me. "Come on let's go!!" Fred said grabbing my hand and he pulled me and George out of the Library.

We made our way carefully around the halls until we reached Snapes room. "Ok here.." Fred said has he handed me two dung bombs as he held two in his own hands. "On the count of three." George whispered. "One." He started. "Two." Fred said with a huge goofy smile on his face. "Three!!" I said. We threw the bombs into his room as they exploded leaving third years yelling. We started laughing. "Who did this?!?" We heard Snape say and we stopped laughing and looked at each other. "Run." George said as he sprinted to the right. "Come on love!!" Fred said grabbing my hand again as we ran to the right and ran into the broom closet near by.

"What about George?!?" I whisper yelled closing the door behind me. "He'll be fine he clearly had is own spot." Fred said with a small laugh. It just occurred to me how small the broom closet was. I was pressed up against the door mine and Fred's chests almost touching. I looked up at his eyes which were looking at mine. Even though it was dark in the closet he still looked beautiful. His chocolate brown eyes, messy ginger hair, just everything about him was perfect. "Enjoy the view?" He asked a smirk rolled onto his face. I rolled my eyes and feel my body heat up. "You wish..." I said crossing my arms over my chest. He took a step closer so our chests were now touching and he gently cupped the right side of my face. "You sure about that love?" He asked very cocky.

I wave of confidence came over me. I mean no one was around. I put my arms loosely around his neck causing him to smile. He place another hand gently on my hip and I started to lean in as he did the same. Soon after our lips came crashing into each other's perfectly in sync. I felt myself smile into the kiss causing him to chuckle. After a few minutes we both pulled away. "It's always been you, Fred." I said looking in his eyes. A huge goofy smiles formed on his face as he pulled me in for one last kiss and I gladly kissed back. "We should probably find George." I said putting my hands on his chest. He moved both hands to around my waist. "Orrr we could head up to my dorm." He smirked. I playfully smacked his arm trying not to laughing making him laugh. "Oh come on you git.." I said going to open the door to see if the coast is clear.

"You know you love it." I could hear the smirk in his voice."Eh, maybe." I smiled looking back towards him. "Now come on." I said and we went off to find where ever the hell George went.

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