These will be one shots of Ron, Fred, and George Weasley in the hp stories :) These chapters will be longer :) hope you enjoy!
all rights...
me and fred have always been seen as the "will they won't they couple at hogwarts", of course i only found that out closer to the end of last year after hermione told me. but i've always liked fred we've always had this different connect or feeling, well on my side at least. but we flirt a lot, fred does flirt with lots of girls but george always says, "he's means it when he flirts with you y/n he's in love with you." and usually i'll respond with something like, "i wish" or "i mean i wouldn't be opposed..." making george always smirk and give me and look anytime something "romantic" happens between me and fred. but, i've been spending the summer with the weasleys for year now, i don't have the best family life, with my mom dying a few years ago but not time for sadness. today was bill and fleurs wedding and i was a bridesmaid! fleur was like the big sister i'd never had seen as we got close during the triwizard tourament in my 6th year and we still wrote to each other.
l was pulled out of my thoughts when ginny walked into our room shutting the door behind her. "why arent you getting ready yet?!? it's nearly 12 people will be arriving at 3!!" she said sounding like her mother making me laugh. "i was just getting ready to have a shower calm down you git." he hid a laugh as she rolled her eyes. after talking for a few more minutes she left the room so i could get ready to take a shower. i made my way to her bathroom (pretend she has her own bathroom lmao) and stripped and started to wash my hair and body. after shaving my legs and having 3 concerts to the mirror in the shower i was done. i wrapped the towel around me and began to do my hair and makeup. after i dried my hair i straightened it so it looked extra long and i curled the ends like all the bridesmaids were doing.
i then did my makeup. i've always only really worn only mascara but today i was going to try and look better for the wedding. i put on some light brown eyeshadow and mascara, highlighter, and a light foundation. i then got up and went to the closet where me and ginnys dresses were hanging up. well just mine now seen has ginny finished getting ready ages ago. i took the dress out of the bag and admired it then put it on. (dress at the bottom). i put on some white heals to go with the dress and to match the theme of the wedding. bill and fleur chose white sliver and periwinkle which to me fit them very well as a couple. i went to zip my dress and realized i couldn't. i groaned and made my way downstairs. "ginny? molly? mione?" i asked looking around the living room and kitchen. "they're all outside y/n." i heard george say and i turned around and saw fred and george putting up streamers in the kitchen.
"wow y/n you look..." fred trailed off his face turning a light sad of pink making me feel my cheeks heat up. "can you be a doll and zip me up?" i asked and fred nodded and moved his finger in a circle indicating for me to turn around and i did. i felt him gently place one hand on my waist as the other zipped up the zipper. "you're all good love." he said and i turned back to face the him our eyes meeting each other. after a few seconds george fake coughed, "well freddie i think we should get ready to escort people and y/n should meet with the lovely bride to be." he smirked. "uh right- come on let's go." fred smiled at me and i nodded and we walked out of the beautiful burrow. i made my way to the back of the tent to meet up with ginny, who was another brides maid, and one of fleurs friends from beaubuxtons all wearing the same thing as i but looking gorgeous.
—time skip—
"are you ready fleur? you're out in 5?" i asked with a smile. she nodded excitedly. music began and it was now the brides maids and grooms men's turn to walk out. bill had picked charlie, and two of his work friends he had gotten very close with. me and charlie immediately said we'd walk each other down, one because we knew each other all enough, and two it wouldn't be awkward. he smiled and held out his arm. "you know one day this'll be for you and fred." he smirked causing me to roll my eyes but i couldn't hide my smile. "whatever let's go." i laughed latching my arm to his. we walked down the isle and i made my way next to where fleur would stand. i looked around as ginny walked down with one of bills friends and looked over at fred.
our eyes met as i looked back at him who was already staring at me. george nudged him which made his face pinker than before and the twin hit his brothers head making me giggle a little. the ceremony was truly gorgeous. fairy lights scattered around the trend along with light blue rose petles down the aisle and white tables were scatted around with people i knew and some i didn't. "we are here today to celebrate this amazing love between two people. love is truly and amazing thing, the best of it happens unexpectedly, and it's everywhere between people. even when you don't know it. love flows through us all and is what really bonds people together. sometimes it just happens at different times or is said after longer than needed. love is a truly beautiful thing as we can all see." the priest smiled.
i looked over at fred who was looking at me. he smiled at me and i smiled back feeling my face growing pink. "you really do look beautiful, love." he mouth with a light smile. "thank you freddie." i smiled back
"now bill weasley to do you fleur delacore to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "i do." bill said with a smile. he asked fleur the same question and she responded with an eager nod and an "i do". "now with the power invested in me i now pronounce you husband and wife! you may kiss the bride!" he said stepping back. fleur and bill gave each other huge smiles and he pulled her in by the waist and kissed her as everyone stood and cheered.
after they had their first dance we all made our way to the dance floor and we all started dancing to the music. after about 20 minutes they started playing one of my favorite songs. most people were sat down eating but right as "ophelia" by the lumieers started playing me and fred look at each other. "would you care to dance?" he asked holding out a hand standing up. "i'd love too." i smiled taking his hand and we talked to the dance floor. we went into the middle in front of the dj because no one else was dancing at this moment. i wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and he had his hands on my waist giving me butterflies. we both couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces. "you look rather dashing freddie boy." i said fixing his tie. "thank you love, and i wasn't kidding you really look beautiful." he smiled.
we danced to the song as it sang, "oh oh ophelia, you've been on my mind girl since the flood." we kept joking around and laugh as i spun him as a joke. "your turn love." he winked. he spun me around as the song sang, "heaven hope the fool." and he dipped me right on the words,"...falls in love." and we made eye contact. with soft smiles on our face. he held tight onto my waist as i felt eyes on me. i pulled myself up by my arms around his neck and we didn't break eye contact. i remembered what the priest said at the alter and i took a huge risk. i pulled fred in and i placed a soft kiss on his lips. i couldn't tell if he had kissed back or not so i pulled away. "who said you could stop?" he asked with a smirk and he pulled me in by my waist kissing me again. i felt him smile into the kiss making me smile. i started to hear george and our normal friends group start to cheer.
we pulled away and looked at everyone looking at us. molly (the weasleys mother) gave me a smile and a wink. fleur gave me a huge smile. she knew i had liked fred for awhile.
—later that night—
after everyone had left i had taken off my make up and my dress, i brushed out my hair and changed into one of fred's hoodies i stole and put on a pair on nike pros, which was a muggle brand of spandex shorts. i walked into the twins room while they were talking about stories from the wedding and i sat next to fred on his bed. "so you two, what are you two now?"george asked. "what do you mean?" i asked raising my brow. "well you did seem to have quite the moment during the wedding" he smirked and laughed. "so are you guys dating or?" he asked. "honestly i don't know, fred?" i looked over so both me and george were staring at him. "well i was going to ask you to be my girlfriend in a cute way but someone just ruined that." he shot him a death glare.
"so what do you say love, will you be my girlfriend ?" he smiled and looked at me. a huge smile grew on my face. "of course freddie i'd love to be your girlfriend."
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