Where shes looking Fred Weasley x Evelyn James

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Every school has the two "best friends" that seem too close, right? The ones who definitely have feelings for each other but are just too damn stubborn to admit it. Yeah, that's Fred and Evelyn. Fred and Evelyn haven't always been friends, they used to hate each other actually. Here let me explain:

Evelyn never really liked the twins, she saw them as competition, and the feelings were mutual. Both the ginger boys and the dark haired girl loved to pull pranks. Both being in the same house, also didn't help.

Up until 3rd year they were almost enemies. But one day...

~flash back~

Evelyns POV:
"Honestly, mione cant I just skip class." I wiped off my tears in the mirror. "I know you want to but it's the last class of the day Eve, I'll be there to make sure you're ok, ok?" Hermione said with a sad face. You see, my Aunt had sent me a letter. I'm a muggleborn so my parents are non-magic. She told me they were driving out to dinner last night and had gotten into a serious car crash and immediately been rushed to the hospital. She said they tried they're best to keep them with us but they couldn't. My parents had passed. I know they're in a better place, it just hurts. Like hell.

"Ok. Let's get this over with then." I said flattening my plaid red skirt and putting in my Gryffindor robe. I saw Mione give me a weak smile from behind me in the mirror and she moved in front of me "That's my girl, hey you got this ok? We're in this together." She rubbed the sides of my arms gently. "Thank you." I smiled a little bit. I really am great full for her. Soon after we left my dorm and made our way out of the common room to DADA. It still amazes me how Mione is taking all these classes two years ahead.

I stood in front of the door not wanting to go in. "Here come on it's only 45 minutes." Mione said taking a step in the room before me. I groaned and stepped into the room and heard a thud from above my head. "What the bloody-" before I could finish a large amount of some blue liquid, that felt like paint, fell onto my head. I then heard the laughing of two familiar boys. The weasley twins.

Fred's POV:
"Nice one Georgie we finally got her back!!" I laughed high diving my brother. Last week Evelyn pranked me and George by dumping purple pain on our heads. So we thought we'd return the favor. "You bloody idiots!" Hermione gasped. "Oh come on Mione it's just a little fun." I shrugged. I wonder why she's so upset. "Oh my MERLIN!!" Evelyn yelled tearing up. "I'm DONE!" She chocked in her words and ran off. Something wasn't right.

Normally she'd laugh and say how'd she get us back. But she looked as if she was about to ball her eyes out. Mione was about to run after her but I stopped her. "Hey let me check in her. It's my fault." I said. She nodded and went to sit in her seat. I turned to see others in our class starting at us. "I'll be back in a bit." I nodded to George. He gave a weak smile. I knew he felt bad but it was my idea.

I ran out of the class room and followed the hall ways to the common room. I said the password and made my way into the room. I looked around and saw Evelyn. She must've used a charm on the paint because she was clean but mascara ran down her cheeks. My stomach dropped as she realized I was there.

Narrator POV:
"What the fuck do you want Fred." She scuffed trying to clean her tear stained cheeks. He didn't say anything but he slowly moved and sat next to her on the couch. Confused by his actions Evelyn asked, "What do you want." Still trying to stay stern acting like she wasn't crying. He put one hand in the side of her head and pulled her into a hug with her head in his chest.

"I'm sorry, James. I didn't think the prank would affect you that much. But something else must have happened. You don't have to tell me, but it might help to tell me." He said had he stroked her hair. Fred's wasn't normally like this, the soft type of person. It was more George, but for Evelyn it was always different. She could make him feel different. Evelyn took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around Fred waist.

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