fred x reader, a different burrow christmas

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backstory:i've always been super close to the weasley family. i'm in the same year as fred and george and they're really my best friends. although i have fancied fred since 5th year, and were now in our 7th. (yes george figured it out really fast) ron is like my younger brother along with harry and i'm also not as close with ginny and hermione as i am with the twins but we're still close. me and hermione get along so well because were both muggleborns. :)

"y/n are you almost done packing?" ginny asked walking over to my bed which is across from hers. "yep!!" i said closing my case with a smile. we made our way down to the common room to meet the others sitting around the fire talking about how they're all excited for christmas this year. this christmas for some reason felt like it was going to be different. well a good different of course, but i didn't know why. "ok so everyone ready to go?" fred asked. we all smiled and nodded. we made our way to the train and found our usual seats. ron hermione harry and ginny would all share a compartment and fred george and i always shared one. we began talking about the twins shop they were going to start soon.

"you know y/n...georgie and i have been thinking, once we start up the shop we could really use your help." fred said "yeah! i mean you've helped us come up with so many ideas and supported us always. we'd love to have you come work at the shop." george said. "your not kidding right?!?" i said with a huge smile. "why would we be love?" fred smiled back. "is that a yes?" george asked. i nodded and smiled. "wonderful!!" both twins said and i laughed. after talking about the shop a little more i felt my eyes droop and i started to fall asleep. "come her, love." fred said with a small laugh. he moved me and placed my head on his lap and began to play with my hair. i loved when he played with my hair. george smirked at both of us and i felt myself blush. i then slowly fell asleep.

-freds pov-
"freddie she's asleep." george said. i smiled looking down at her. "you know fred i'm surprised neither of you have fessed up yet. you know for being in love with each other." i rolled my eyes. "i told you georgie were bestfriends and if she didn't feel the same i wouldn't want that to be ruined." "oh my godric!! stop it with that!! she definitely feels the same way and everyone is just waiting for you two to get together at this point!" he rolled his eyes and i shushed him. "what's make you think she feels the same way?" i turned my gaze onto her asleep in my lap and i played with her hair and softly smiled. "alright then let's see her...
1) you are the only person who can calm her down when she's upset
2) she will only sleep on you or snuggle with you for that matter
3) she lets you play with her hair
4) she's PUNCHED malfoy for being rude to you and we've had to hold her back in multiple occasions when it wasn't needed
5) do you not see the way she looks at you?!?
6)she'll drop everything just to hang out with you
7) you two never leave each other's side!!
...need i say more fred?" he finished. i rolled my eyes. "i really do i love her, she makes me smile, laugh and i feel fireworks around her.maybe i can try something over break." i said looking back to george. he nodded.

-y/n's pov-
i felt fred's hand snake down my side and start to rub my back. "love, we're at the station." i opened my eyes and smiled and he smiled back. i then got up and grabbed my case and walked off the train behind fred george at my side. "sleep well?" george asked me with a smirk. i rolled my eyes causing him to laugh. i then saw my favorite plump red head woman with ron, harry, ginny, and hermione. "molly!!" i said and gave her a huge hug. "ah y/n dear!!" she hugged me back. i loved molly, she was like then mother i'd never had. when i was about 9 my parents had passed so i was mostly raised my molly and my god father, remus lupin who i was very close with.molly then gave fred and george hugs and we all got ready to go back to the burrow. "now, fred, george and y/n since you kids are of age you can dissaperate and we'll take the others back and meet you at the burrow." molly smiled. us three nodded. i took out my wand then made my way to the burrow

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