Sunny Days and Sarcasm (15)

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After school I follow Alyson into the girls locker room and quickly get dressed while she waits for me outside the stall apparently she has nothing else to do after school and she even offered me a ride until I motioned to my body guards and she nodded. Alyson was being quiet and I knew it was because Mave was in here with us and Mave scared her. I quickly stuffed my normal clothes into my bag and left the stall. 

   "Where is my stall?" I ask Alyson as Mave stands up from the wall she was leaning on. 

   "Locker 152," I nod and follow Alyson to the lockers closest to the stalls. Mine is 8 over from the last one. I nod my thanks to Alyson before throwing my clothes into the locker and securing the lock I brought from home in place. Alyson smiles and leads the way to the field. 

After getting to the field I stretch as the other girls look at me curiously. More so they're starring at Mave, who does no look like she is here to do sports at all. She gives them all a look over and general glare and I shake my head at her. Coach comes out as I stretch to the right. 

   "I thought I said no visible tattoos on your body?" Coach says as she stands next to me. I give her a weak smile. 

   "Wasn't really my choice," I tell her quietly. She looks at the tattoo carefully and her eyes light up in understanding. 

   "Anyone who knows where that tattoo is from would give you anything you want. I don't want you to think that just because you work for her or something that I will take it any easier on you." 

   "She's my aunt actually." Coaches eyes go a little big as I stand up and start to walk over to the other girls. 

   "Your aunt is Adelynn Dart?" 

   "Not by blood, but in every other way that matters, yes. I live with her and everything I need or want is taken care of." 

After running for over 90 minutes, I felt better than good. I felt amazing. As we did the cool down stretches a grin came across my face. I loved running, and being able to do it with a team gave me satisfaction. The team was good, really good, but I was still better than all of them. Coach watched me intently as I sat down to stretch. The other girls weren't really talking to me, but I didn't mind. I liked the quiet for the most part. Mave looks at me weird and I smiled at her as I whipped the sweat off my forehead and laid back on the fake grass of the football field. I stretched my whole body and smiled at I took in the feeling of the early spring sun on my face. Days like this are rare and they're the best days to run during. 

After practice I go into the locker room to grab my bag and follow Mave back to the car. Austin is already there and is wearing his own sweat and workout attire. He smiles at me and looks me over. I get into the limo and sit down on one of the towels laid down on the back seats. I am shocked to see Adelynn in the limo, sitting across from me. She looks up at me from her phone and then looks back at it without a second glance at me or my guards. 

   "And what have we done to acquire your presence, your majesty?" I ask Adelynn mockingly. 

   "I need to talk to you," she says still not looking up from her phone. 

   "Sounds so important," I mock her. 

   "You're going to be introduced to my people as my daughter. You will rule what I own once you turn twenty-one. Until then you will be quiet, obedient, and beautiful. Like a good daughter is and wear what I tell you, say what I tell you, and act how I tell you to.  Sound good, daughter?" 

   "Sounds great, mom. Just one minor detail... how the Hell am I supposed to rule something I know nothing about?" 

   "I will tell you what you need to know as time goes on." 

   "You keep saying that, but you act like introducing me to your people is a huge deal. What is going to happen if they slip and mention something you don't want me to know? You going to punch them like you did to Elyzabeth?" 

   "You will not speak out of term to me." 

   "I will speak how I wish to until people in my life stop keeping things from me that are important to my future." 

    The limo stops in front of the mansion finally and I get out without so much as a look back. I open the door quickly and start to head up to my room before I am grabbed forcefully and thrown into a wall. The shock takes the air out of me and I can't think straight. I cough as a rough arm holds me against the wall. My ears ring in pain as I catch my breath. 

   "And who might you be?" a dark female voice asks me jokingly. 

   "Madelynn. Nice to meet you," I say sarcastically. 

   "Oh my name is Blythe," the female says without letting me go. I nod and take a deep breath. She quickly grabs my face with her other hand and roughly turns it to look at the tattoo under my right ear. "You work for Adelynn?" 

   "Live is more like it. I know next to nothing about her or her life style but apparently everyone knows what this tattoo I was forced to get a few days ago means." 

   "Ah. So then you're the 'daughter' she is going to be introducing in a few days at the big event?" 

   "The one and only apparently." 

   "Sorry for this then," I look at her in question before she headbutts me and my vision goes dark. 

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