Team Spirit (12)

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The rest of the school day pretty much sucked. I hate most of the classes and actually feel bored in pretty much all of them. I sigh as I follow one of the new girls to ask the coach about their running teams I could join. She said she didn't know much about them, but she would show me the coach. I thanked her and followed her over half way across the huge school with Austin and Mave closely behind us. I watch the girl... who's name I think is Charlotte keeps looking back at Austin with a blush. I look her over, she looks pretty enough to date Austin. Her beautiful bright blue eyes look the closet to white I have ever seen, she has light brown hair and beautiful tanned skin. She is about 5 foot five or six and dresses like she doesn't like to spend money.  

After walking the distance, Charlotte wishes me luck and leaves. I look back at my body guards, who are about to follow me into the coaches office. I raise an eyebrow before letting go of the handle to the door and sighing. "You two are aware that I cannot have two bodyguards in the coaches office with me, correct?" I ground out in frustration. They look at one another in confusion. 

   "And why not?" Austin asks confused. I look at them both with a bored expression. 

   "Because I don't need two people to guard me in a office that fits a maximum of five people in it." 

   "If there is only a coach, then fitting us in there should be no problem," Mave says. I groan in frustration and rub my temples with my pointer fingers. 

   "One of you comes with me and the other guards the door. Deal?" I say and look both of them over. They nod in unison and Austin follows me into the office as Mave takes guard outside the door. I roll my eyes and walk in with Austin in tow. 

   "May I help you?" a very fit black haired woman asks from behind the large wood desk in the office as Austin and I walk in. She doesn't look up from her papers until I am almost in front of her desk. She finally does look up and sees Austin, she smiles at him. "Austin dear. What are you doing here? You haven't ran for me since your sophomore year," she says with a bright smile. I look over at Austin in confusion, he never mentioned that he ran before. He turns warm in embarrassment. 

   "Hello Mrs. Cae. I'm actually not here for me. This is Madelynn Sharp, she just transferred here," Austin says awkwardly. Her eyes flash at the name before she looks me over with excitement. 

   "I have been waiting all day for you to stop by sweetie. Your old school sent over your records this morning for me to go over. I am very impressed by your times. Almost beating the state record as a Junior is a huge deal," she says all of this very quickly and with a bright grin. I smile awkwardly at her. 

   "Very nice to meet you, Ma'am. I was wondering what your programs for running are here," I tell her honestly and getting to the point. The room feels fifteen degrees warmer and I want to get out of here as soon as possible. 

   "We have all the basics; cross country, track, marathon building, and advanced distance running training. It is up to you what you train for, but each one clashes with one another by about a week and us coaches are asked to give two weeks between each so if I were you I would pick three maximum and over summer break we could do private practice for a fee if you would like. My eyes light up with hope. I have always wanted to have a private coach over a summer to get me ready for the next year and now it is possible because of this school and Adelynn. 

   "I love running cross country and track along with advanced distance training, but the last can be taken out if it interferes with the other two." 

   "Sounds great. Are you interested in the independent summer training?" she says with curiosity. I nod quickly and grin. 

   "Sounds like you're very invested in your running. I love to see that. Not much of that these days with all the kids that prefer to play video games and such. Actually, our cross country just ended, but we start practice for track tomorrow fifteen minutes after school lets out." 

   "I'll be there," I say excitedly before sticking out my hand for her to shake. She grabs it and shakes it with a smile. 

   "Welcome to the Vipers' Track team, Ms. Sharp." 

   "Thank you Mrs. Cae. You won't regret it." 

   "Oh I know I won't. Just don't get into fights at school, drink or smoke, get arrested, any noticeable tattoos, or piercings and we're all good." I nod before looking over at Austin. He has at least five tattoos peaking out of his shirt alone and his eyebrow is pierced along with the left side of his lip. I wonder why she was so fast to offer him a position if his whole look went against her codes. 

After we get home I decide to book it for my room so Adelynn won't be able to see or talk to me, but she is waiting for me inside the door. I mentally curse my luck as she stands there with her arms crossed over her chest. She looks at Mave and Austin, who seem to get the clue and leave the room. I mentally groan as I follow her into the living room. 

   I sit on the love seat as she stands in front of me. I give her an expecting look as she just stares at me. 

   "You're getting the tattoo that everyone around here has in a few minutes. I already sent a text to your guards. You are to leave for your appointment after we discuss some things." 

   "Unless those things are going to answer every question I have been asking since I moved in with you, I don't really care what you have to say, Adelynn," I tell her honestly as I start to stand up. She looks pissed off as she pushed me back down into my seat. 

   "You are not to talk to me that way. We are going to discuss what is expected out of those who are in my life, including you. You will learn what you need to about my life as I deem necessary. Understood?" she says with fire in her voice. I nod and look at my feet. "Good. You are getting this tattoo because without it you are a target and seen as someone to hurt to get to me. You will be training in hand to hand combat with a professional trainer after your daily runs everyday for three hours. This is nonnegotiable and during that time Mave will get to start her sleep until her shift switch with Austin. 

   "You are not to have your guards sleep in the same room as you, ever. There job is to protect you, not to be your friends or significant other. I do not care about your opinions on this, you will do as I say if you wish to continue to live under my roof. Now, go get ready to get your first tattoo because that location is a b*tch to get." 

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