First Day Butterflies (11)

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When we pull up to the school I can feel myself shrink in my seat. This school is much bigger than my old school and all of the cars are super expensive, but no one is getting the line of cars like I am. Austin looks at me from the passenger seat and chuckles. "Nervous?" He asks with a teasing grin. I glare back at him as I cross my arms over my chest. I take deep breaths as the cars all stop in front of the biggest doors. Austin gets out first and I hurry across the seats to open my door, but being the jerk that he is, he makes a big show about opening my door for me. I get our glaring at him as I readjust my bag over my shoulder. He gives me a cheeky grin and winks at me. I punch his arm and he hisses. 

   As we walk into the school- we meaning Mave, Austin and I (with me in the middle, of course)- everyone stares at us. Austin soaks it in as he gives high fives and such to the boys he passes in the hallways. Mave ignores everyone and most of the people who pass her look scared, occasionally someone would even get as far away from her as possible. Now that I think about it, I've never really seen Mave talk, like at all. She was always just kind of someone who took over Austin's spot so he could get some sleep. I look her over and realize she is really beautiful. 

   Most female body guards look like her, but there is something about her that just.. sticks out. I look her over and realize what it is the second I see it. She has an undercut... Mave is a lesbian. I try not to let my jaw drop at this realization and look at the ground with a slight blush. 

"I think this school is killing me," I whine to Austin as I sit down at our lunch table, Mave close behind. Surprisingly Mave is in more of my classes than Austin is. I guessed it was because they placed me in advanced classes- which means Mave is smart. I look at my food as I try to get the hormonal images out of my head. Austin notices my slight blush and looks at me with a raised eyebrow and amused look. 

   "Are you dying because over sixty-percent is female or because of the way your schedule makes you go all over the place?" Austin asks before taking a sip of his grape juice. 

   "I had gym last hour and I'm telling you that most of the girls here, are gay. So, good luck getting a girlfriend," I tell him and stick my tongue out. He only grins and drags his hand through his hair. 

   "I am the quarterback of the varsity football team, captain of the lacrosse team, and I lead most student counsel events. I already have a girlfriend." 

   "What sorry girl got stuck with you?" 

   "That would be me," I hear a girl with the sound of way too much money ringing in her voice. I turn around and expect to see the usual blonde barbie cheerleader type. To my surprise his girlfriend is a really tall, muscular girl with curly black hair. She is maybe three inches shorter than Austin and her eyes are bright green, filled with intelligence and awareness. My jaw drops at how beautiful she is. 

   "How the actual Hell did you manage that?" I ask Austin as the beautiful girl walks around the table to sit next to Austin. 

   "'That' is named Alyson," she says looking me over with dislike. "And I happen to like Austin because he doesn't care about anything over than the fact that I actually have a brain, and he's actually a really amazing person. Who are you?" Alyson says with fire in her eyes. 

   "Names Madelynn, but you can call me anytime, baby." I wink at her and she crinkles her nose at me. "Oh yeah, and the only one who needs to worry is Austin. I like women." She looks me over in curiosity. 

   "So you're the reason Elyzabeth came over to my house with a black eye," she narrows her eyes at me. 

   "Not like I planned that, sweetie." 

   "Wouldn't put it past a homo," she seethes. 

   "Got a problem with the fact that I'm gay, sweetheart?"

   "It's against God for the same sex to lie in a bed together." 

   "Well, if it's wrong then why does it feel so good?" Alyson gasps at me and leans in Austin, who looks more than pissed off. I look at him, wondering who he is pissed off at. It better be the homophobic girl leaning into him. 

   "I'm leaving. Come on Austin," she calls as she stands up and puts out her hand. I watch him carefully and he clenches his jaw as he hits his hands on the table and stands up. 

   "I think you should leave. And find a new boyfriend, because I am done with you treating people like they're beneath you." Austin glares at her and he looks close to tears as she quickly walks out of the lunch room. Mave looks at Austin in concern. 

   "How could you not know she is homophobic?" Mave asks him. I try not to look shocked at her voice, it sounds like silk. She is beautiful. Now that I am closer I can see her eyes are the color of honey and her skin is a beautiful tan shade. Her hair is dyed a dark red color that goes past her shoulders when it is down. She has the trade tattoo that all the people around Adelynn seem to have. 

   "We never talked about it before now," Austin grounds out. I look at him in confusion, forgetting about what he was asked before. I think for a second and it comes back. My eyes clear and I nod. 

   "Kind of an important moral to agree on when you date someone," I tell him. 

   "I know. I never thought she had a problem. She's met Adelynn and knew about her sexual orientation. Seemed to even like her, but she never mentioned that she hated gay people before." I nod and look at the table. I finish my lunch before the next bell. Time for the other half of the day. Yay

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