Getting To Know You (9)

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I wake up to a start as someone knocks loudly on my door. I must have fallen asleep on accident. I turn off the TV. 

   "Yes?" I call to the person on the other side of the door. 

   "Elyzabeth has gone and her team are done. There were a bunch of clothes that look to be your size delivered. I told the maids not to touch it since you don't like them cleaning your room," Austin calls from the other side of the door. I slide myself out of the still warm bath and grab the robe off of the heating rack. I sigh at the warmth and step into my slippers. 

   I pull the door open a few inches to see Austin sitting on my bed on his phone. He looks frustrated at whoever he is texting. I go into the closet to see it is all new, but surprisingly nice. I go back out in the room and grab a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top with my under clothes and get dressed in my closet. 

   "What's got you so upset?" I ask him as I walk into the room while putting my hair into a high messy bun. 


   "Yeah she upsets me too, but she doesn't usually have me angry texting." 

   "She is my half-sister." My jaw drops. 

   "Oh. My. Gawd." 

   "If you don't close your mouth then you'll catch flies." 

   "Do they just breed beautiful blonde children in your family?" I ask blankly. He grins at me. 

   "Well you've met my sister and I. You tell me." 

   "So, wait. Do you guys have the same mother or father?" 

   "Father. Women in the m- women in my family aren't allowed to have more than one husband unless the original dies." 

   "So your father makes children that look like THAT?" I breath hard. "Do you have any other sisters that aren't... her?" 

   "One, but she isn't talking to me or Elyzabeth. She still lives with our father and hates that we left. Elyzabeth and I are around the same age and we've always looked out for one another. The second our father did what he did to me, Elyzabeth was the one to ask her mothers cousin to take us in. So, here we are. At her cousins, Grayson's house. Just minus the Grayson." 

   "So you mean to tell me you aren't at all related to Adelynn?" 


   "How do you keep your eyes off of her? She is the definition of hot." 

   "Red heads aren't my type and neither are lesbians." 

   "Ooooo. Right. I keep forgetting that she bats for my team." I sit on my bed and Austin smiles at me. 

   "You know," he says playfully, "you're not related to her." My face goes hot in a blush as I nod. 

   "I know." I gulp as my heart rate picks up at what he is hinting at. 

   "I'm just saying that she isn't that much older than you and is single." He shrugs casually. 

   "What happened to Elyzabeth's face?" I ask, desperate for a topic change. Austin grinds his teeth. 

   "That's what happens when you tell people things you're not supposed to." 

   "Tell people... Holy crap did Adelynn do that to her?" I ask, putting it together from our fight the other day. 

   "It's not your fault that you told her. You were just curious and Elyzabeth should have known better than to open her yap. It's fine." 

   "It's not fine. She hit your sister over lightly mentioning something that I still don't have any answers to." 

   "And you won't get any until Adelynn wants you to know. Elyzabeth as been told to stay away from you and you will be given a different teenage girl from around here to be your friend." 

   "I am perfectly capable of making my own friends," I say with a roll of my eyes. Austin grins at my attitude. 

   "Glad you think so, because you start school tomorrow morning at the private school near here." 

   "Do I have to wear a uniform?" I ask in slight horror. Austin laughs at my pain. I hate uniforms. 

   "No. I attend there too." 

   "I expected as much. I can barely eat without either you or Mave about ten feet away from me. I am also guessing that you will be in most, if not all of my classes." 

   "I guess you are pretty smart." He ruffles my hair and I give him a mocked hurt expression. 

   "I'll have you know I have a perfect GPA and that I.." 

   "Have gotten every medal you have tried for and almost beat the state record," he interrupts with that stupid look on his face. 


   "I know, Mads. I just had to poke the bear because it's funny to see you defend your work." 

   "You mean the only reason I had to live since I was about nine years old." 

   "You never did tell me what happened with your dad," Austin tries to say casually. 

   "That's because there's not much to say. He wasn't a good dad and was all about the power his job gives him. He likes to drink too much and lets- let my mother and I know about it." 

   "What happened to your mom?" 

   "I don't really know. I wouldn't even have known she was really alive the past few years if it wasn't the screams she would unleash at my father." 

   "I'm glad that you're here, and not there." 

   "Me too," I say with a bright smile. "Now, no more crappy topics. Lets watch a movie!" 

   "Promise to stay awake for all of it?" 

   "I only fell asleep in the tub because the jets were relaxing." I defend myself. 

  "Mhmmm," Austin says unconvinced. 

   "It's true! Let's pick a movie." 

   "Alright, but none of that sappy girl romance stuff. I don't want to puke on your new things." 

   "You're so funny. As if I'd let you live if you were to puke on my new things." 

   "You don't scare me, tiny stuff." 

   "I am literally five foot eight inches. I am only short to you because you're like seven foot tall." 

   "Six foot and seven inches."

   "See? Giant." 

   "Oh sweetie, the seven inches wasn't on my height." 

   "Oh gross!" I throw a pillow at his head. Boys. 

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