among us

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- probs dies first every time so he just chills as a ghost- not very good at imposter- gets caught venting on cams :(

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- probs dies first every time so he just chills as a ghost
- not very good at imposter
- gets caught venting on cams :(


- vv satly if he dies- yells at everyone during meetings that its cole- no one listens and votes him off cause he yelling

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- vv satly if he dies
- yells at everyone during meetings that its cole
- no one listens and votes him off cause he yelling


- literally so good at imposter its scary- kills lloyd first for the lolz- loved to rile up kai and gets everyone to vote kai off when its actually him

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- literally so good at imposter its scary
- kills lloyd first for the lolz
- loved to rile up kai and gets everyone to vote kai off when its actually him. king shit.


- very nervous he's going to die- anxious yelling when around someone alone- trusts cole 100% and sticks with him (cole kills behind his back, doesn't have to heart to kill him:,))

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- very nervous he's going to die
- anxious yelling when around someone alone
- trusts cole 100% and sticks with him (cole kills behind his back, doesn't have to heart to kill him:,))


- task king- knows who the imposter is just doesn't care- pretends to try and kill jay cause its funny when jay freaks out- lowkey third imposters

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- task king
- knows who the imposter is just doesn't care
- pretends to try and kill jay cause its funny when jay freaks out
- lowkey third imposters


- second imposter

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- second imposter. literal queen.
- vv focused, gets most kills cause cole is marinating
- tried to kill zane once but zane gave this vv logical speech abt why she shouldn't so she didn't cause zane is a baddie 😎


- never finishing all her tasks- tries to stick with zane but can never find him:,(- follows skylor around cause baby doesn't fully understand the game:,)

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- never finishing all her tasks
- tries to stick with zane but can never find him:,(
- follows skylor around cause baby doesn't fully understand the game:,)


- always laughs when everyone votes kai- sticks with pixal cause she knows pixal is lowkey confusion- probably a vv good detective but uses her skills wrong and thinks its morro :D

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- always laughs when everyone votes kai
- sticks with pixal cause she knows pixal is lowkey confusion
- probably a vv good detective but uses her skills wrong and thinks its morro :D


- usually suspected to be imposter cause he never does any of his tasks- pretends to go afk and sees who tries to kill him- stands on vents all the time

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- usually suspected to be imposter cause he never does any of his tasks
- pretends to go afk and sees who tries to kill him
- stands on vents all the time

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