Blank Space

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Blank Space:

"Melissa!" Screeched a high pitched and panicked voice from downstairs. "Just a second," I sighed as I swung my bedroom door open and raced across the hallway. "Melissa!!"
"I am coming!" How many times did I have to tell her?! I trudged down the staircase and into the large stone kitchen. My mother was wandering around the room, checking that everything was in the correct place. Seriously, it was just a weird 'family and friends meet up' thing, not the Queen coming for afternoon tea. I opened the nearest fridge (yes we do have several fridges), and pushed a jar of caviar out the way to grab a carton of semi-skimmed milk. "The guests will be here any second!" My mother reminded me yet again.
"I'm just getting a glass of milk!" I said pouring it into a small wine glass as I walked out of the room. My little brother was playing with his Lego in the hallway, and stepping on Lego without any shoes on is probably the most painful experience ever. "OW! Lewis?! Play with your Lego somewhere else other than where everyone will step on it," I said, almost spilling half of my milk. Mother really would go mental if I even spilt a tiny drop of milk on her red carpet. Just as I was about to go into the living room, the doorbell went. Nobody seemed to notice, "Probably too busy making sure every single inch of the house is perfect," I thought, making my way over to the big wooden door, turning the golden lock. A blast of wind made me almost stumble over as I realised it was my uncle, auntie and three cousins had arrived. The youngest of the three, called Madelyn-Mae, had blonde curls just past her shoulders, and was wearing a bright pink fairy dress. Her twin brother, Max, had blonde hair too, and was clutching a teddy bear with only one eye remaining. The oldest of the three was Emilia, she also has blonde hair and was a year younger than me. At least I'm not going to be alone all day. "Hi, come in," I said, smiling as my auntie and uncle emerged from the sleek black car. All five of them came in and hung their ridiculously expensive designer coats on a coat hanger. "Hi, Melissa, good to see you again!" My auntie said, taking off her feather hat.
"If you come through here there's some snacks if you want any."
I showed them to the living room, where Lewis was playing with his lethal Lego.
"Seriously, don't step on the Lego you might end up in hospital," I whispered to Emilia, who giggled quietly. Just as everyone was sat down, chatting to my mother and playing with toys from the toy box, the doorbell went yet again. And as before, nobody seemed to notice apart from me, so I went to answer it.

As I opened the door for the second time in about a minute, I realised it was my other cousin, Richard, and my auntie and uncle Smith, but there was someone else there, someone I had never seen before. He was wearing baggy jeans, grey T-shirt and black hoodie. He had dark hair and was looking at me with his dark green eyes, a faint smile on his face.

"Hi," I said, opening the door so they could come in, "There are snacks in the living room,"
Auntie and uncle Smith hung their coats up on the coat hanger that was now starting to overflow with posh coats and expensive bags.
"Hey, Melissa, this is Jayden, my friend," Richard said with a smile as they both walked through the doorway.
"Er.. Hi, I'm Melissa," This was so awkward, why was he even here? "I had to come because my parents were out and I was supposed to go to Richard's house, but he didn't tell me he was coming here," Jayden explained.
"I forgot!" Richard laughed, hanging up his jacket.
"You forget everything, like last Christmas Eve you were baking weird cookie things and left them in the oven for three hours," I giggled, remembering the look on mother's face when we had to throw out her best oven gloves.
"Dad said he would take them out!"
"Well anyway, there's cookies on the table in the living room that don't look like charcoal, and I'm guessing they'll taste a lot better," I said as we entered the living room that was starting to get a bit crowded. I noticed Jayden looking at me, his green eyes sparkling, as I went to get some drinks for everyone. Maybe this family and friends thing wasn't such a bad idea....


"What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" Whined Emilia, looking through my jewellery boxes. Emilia, Jayden, Richard and I were in my room, we had smuggled a bowl of sweets upstairs and we were on our phones and talking about stuff, but Emilia didn't have a phone and was rummaging through my dresser as a result of boredom. "I don't know," Richard replied, not looking up from his iPhone 6 screen. I looked out the window at the blue sky and fluffy cotton clouds. The garden was bright and green, stables on the left....
"I know what we could do!" I said, an idea suddenly hitting me.
"What?" Jayden looked up from his phone.
"We could go to my stables, I need to clean out Scarlett's stable," I suggested.
"Yeah! I haven't seen Doddy for ages!" Emilia screeched, jumping off the stool beside my desk.
"Woah! calm down! Yeah it'll be fun," Jayden agreed.
"'K then, I'll just go and tell my mother," I said as we stood up.

I looked in the kitchen to tell mother where we were going, she was gathering more drinks for the guests in the living room. More people had arrived since Richard and Jayden came, and they were all packed into the living room.
"Mother, we're going to the stables, we'll be back on about half an hour," I was just about to leave when mother called me back to the kitchen.
"You could ride the horses on the two fields on the left and take a picnic if you want, the house is getting a bit crowded now, and more guests are going to arrive soon. Who is going with you?" Mother said, pouring some lemonade from a glass bottle into a jug for the guests.
"Ok, and it's just me, Emilia, Richard and Jayden,"
"Ok, there's some crisps and stuff for sandwiches in that cupboard," she said, nodding towards a cupboard above the oven as she stumbled out of the kitchen with the tray of drinks.

It only took about five minutes to find all the stuff we needed for the picnic, and we set off to the stables at about half eleven.

"Hi Scarlett!" I skipped towards the light chestnut coloured horse with white socks and a white stripe on the top of her head and in between her glistening eyes. I fed her the two carrots I had brought for her while the others went to choose who to ride. Emilia obviously chose Doddy, a pure white horse with a streak of light grey on her neck, Richard chose Charlie and Jayden chose Cherri.
"Are we going then?" Jayden said, flicking his hair back with a mischievous smile.


I stared up at the silvery sun and pale blue sky. The air was slightly warm and the wind was blowing in the tree above us, making a quiet whispering sound. I was sitting underneath a huge oak tree at the sidelines of an empty field with Jayden. Richard and Emilia had gone to find Emilia's hat that she said she lost while we were riding the horses. We had already started to have our picnic, instead of waiting for Richard and Emilia. I noticed Jayden staring at me in the reflection of my phone, and looked up at him. He looked back at his phone. What was he even doing on it? It looked like his Instagram page. "What's your Instagram username?" I asked him. A weird expression came over his face, his smile fading.
"Oh, I never use it," he said looking away.
I saw him glancing at me out of the corner of my eye.
"Where have they gone?" I wondered, looking over my shoulder for them, "They've been ages."
"They've probably got distracted," Jayden replied, looking to the left of the field. "We should go in the woods," He said, looking over to the far end of the field, where Rosemeadow Forest started. I was always a bit scared of it when I was little, my dad used to tell me stories, like it was haunted by an evil witch that lured children to her cauldron. I remember I was always so scared of it that I never wanted to go near it, I haven't been there for years, it's not that near to the house so we never bother to walk all this way.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because they're probably going to be ages, and by the time they come back there'll be no picnic left," Jayden said, standing up and brushing mud and grass off his hoodie.
"Come on then," He said smiling. I followed him across the fields, leaving the half-eaten picnic at the tree. I glanced up at Jayden, he had his hands in his pockets and his emerald green eyes were looking at me.


The next day I was sitting at my desk in my room, staring out the window. You could just about see the start of the mysterious woods from there, and the stables were just to the left of the giant gardens. The sky was a grey mess of thick rain clouds, unlike the day before....
The rose garden outside looked dull and grey, the thorns clearly visible from my bedroom window. I suddenly remembered the day before.... The way Jayden had kissed me, and then the way Richard had told me he had a girlfriend. I glanced down at my purple laptop and opened it. The screen came to life showing Taylor Swift's most recent music video on YouTube, Blank Space. I closed the tab, and re-opened another one. I typed in the address for Instagram and searched for Jayden's profile. His picture was of him and another girl with light brown hair and twinkly blue eyes. She looked so smug. His bio was '❤️Sophie//18/11/14❤️'. Pft. I refreshed his profile page, about to close it, it disappeared and so did his picture. I immediately closed the page, closed the lid of my laptop and flopped down onto my bed. I fell asleep and dreamt of mysterious woods and picnics, but there was no Jayden in sight....


*I KNOW this is sooooo bad 😣 I just had to write it really quickly I am so sorry for anyone who bothers to read it, I promise the next song, Style, will be better. Sorry!!*

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