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*Kayla's POV*

Wow. When they said sleepless nights, they really meant it.
Don't babies ever sleep?
How much milk can they even get in that small body of theirs?

We were both exhausted. Colton took off of work to help me with Alexa.
I wonder how Demi is doing it with two and three other kids. God, that must be hard.

"Good morning, Kayla" Colton smiled.

"I'm so tired" I groaned.
Alexa just fell asleep, again.

"Okay, go to sleep. Alexa's sleeping, so you can too"

"What about you? You haven't slept a wink tonight"

"I'm okay. I'll make you something to eat for when you wake up, okay? Now, go to sleep" he left the room and I fell asleep.

I woke up two hours later, to an empty room. I walked into the kitchen, where Colton was rocking Alexa in his arms.

The love he had for Alexa, made me love him even more. It was so cute to see him connect with his daughter. Even at night, while changing her diaper, he smiled at her and kissed her and told her how much he loved her.

"Is this for your mommy, baby? Is this some food we made for her? You kept us up a lot at night, huh? Are you scared of sleeping at night, Alexa baby? You don't have to be scared, cause daddy'll protect you from everything. Nothing and nobody is gonna do anything to you, cause daddy's gonna protect you forever. For the rest of my life. I love you so much, Lexie. I can't imagine my life without you"
I saw her look at him, with her big blue eyes.
Oh my loves. This is so amazing.

"Hey" I kissed them both.

"Hi. Tiff called. She asked when she could come over. I told her to come in an hour. That okay with you?"

"Yep. Totally fine" I sat down as he put a plate in front of me.

"Eat this" he smiled, "Made by daddy and Alexa, right baby?"

"Thanks" I smiled at him.

Soon enough Tiff was at the door.

"Hey Kayla and Colton. Congratulations! I'm so happy!" she grabbed Alexa, who'd just woken up, out of my arms.

"Hey baby. Aren't you cute?" she cooed.

"Alexa, right?" she asked.

"Yep. Alexa Jade" I smiled.

"So, I heard mom an dad were there" she smiled.

"Yep. They were"

"You forgave them?"

"Yep. I did"

"Thank the Lord. I was starting to get really scared that it was never gonna happen. By the way, did you see Demi today?"

"No, why?"

"But she said she saw you"

"Yeah, she was at the birth"

"Really? Wasn't she supposed to be in bed?"

"Yeah, but it was too much for her. You know her. She can't sit still and do nothing for more then three minutes. She felt worthless and you know how she gets when she feels like that. She'll start having negative thoughts about herself and all that shit. She just couldn't be in bed any longer, so she came. She was alright, though. Why?"

"I went over to her today"

Oh shit. She doesn't know about the babies, right.


"And it looked like she lost so much weight. I was scared that maybe the babies did die, but she didn't wanna tell us. I'm telling you, Kayla, she doesn't look pregnant anymore"

"She's okay, Tiff. She's only in her fourth month, I think. She's not supposed to be so fat, yet"

"She said the same thing, but I know she's hiding something. And she was bigger a few days ago. So either, she's just losing weight, or sadly the babies died and she doesn't wanna tell us. I get it, though. It's hard to lose a baby. She probably has as hard time dealing with it. I just wish she'd talk about it. She'll be able to handle it better"

"Tiff, she didn't lose the babies, okay? They're fine. I promise"

"How would you know?"

"She was in the hospital with me, yesterday. She did a check up and everything's fine"

"You know, I'm really not buying your stories. But whatever. When you feel ready to tell me the truth, I'd be happy to hear it" she dropped the subject.
Thank god. I don't know how much longer I would be able to keep it a secret.

"So, how are you? How's Max? And the other kids?"

"They're great. Max learnt to sleep a little longer at night. Still wakes up at least two times, but it's less then before. He and Shirley are at mom and dad's now. Dylan didn't agree, but I decided to have him pick the up and when he'll see mom and dad, he'll forgive them. That way it won't be awkward on family night" she chuckled.

"Yeah, that's kinda good" I said, as Alexa started crying.

"Come here, Lexie. How about you milk mommy?" I laughed.

"You know, I still don't get you. You made such a big deal of a stupid comment I made. Are you now always gonna use milking instead of nursing?"

"Who cares? I like it"

"Okay. Whatever you want. By the way, did you know Rachel's going on a date tonight?"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, it's already their third date. She didn't really wanna say anything yet. She actually wanted to surprise you all on family night and bring him along, but it slipped out when we were talking. Cause I asked her to take my kids tonight, Dylan wants to take me out again, but she said she can't cause she's on a date. So I'm having Kenzie over tonight. Isn't that exciting?"

"You aren't supposed to tell me, doofus. She wanted to surprise us"

"I know, but I couldn't keep it to myself. I'm so happy for her"

"Now you ruined the surprise" I pouted.

"At least I'm not the only one who doesn't get surprised then, right?"

"Oh believe me, you are so gonna be surprised" I laughed.
Fuck, I wasn't supposed to say that.

"What do you mean? Who else has a surprise? Tell me!"

"I was kidding. No surprises. We're just gonna be the unsurprised ones, okay? Together"

"Kayla, why do you keep on hiding things from me? Oh, does this have anything to do with Demi? Is she gonna surprise us? Is that why her stomach was gone? Wait, that still doesn't make sense, though. Just tell me!"

Please, please, don't put the pieces together.

"I was kidding, Tiff. No surprise"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't believe you, but I really gotta go. Max needs his milk"

"Okay. I'll see you to tomorrow?"

"Yep. At mom and dad's, right?"

"Yep" I smiled.

"Okay. Congrats. See you!" she kissed my cheek and left.
Thank god she didn't figure it out. Demi would kill me.

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