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*Kayla's POV*

"Good morning, Kayla"

"Morning Colton" I mumbled.
Way too early to wake up.

"It's a boy!"


"Tiffany. She had a boy"

"Really? When?"

"Yesterday evening"

"Why didn't I know about this earlier?"

"Cause you were sleeping"

"How long do you know about it?"

"I saw a text this morning from Demi. She tried calling in the middle of the night. So typical"


"Cause she was probably awake with Jack or something and then she thinks we're awake as well. Why the hell would I be awake at three o'clock at night?"

"Yeah, she probably didn't think about that. So, everything went well?"

"Dunno. She only wrote that it's a boy. No name, no details. I'll call her"

"Okay, put it on speaker phone" I sat up in bed and he sat down next to me, dialing Demi's phone number.


"Hey Dems. Good morning"

"Morning Colton. Kids, put on your coats, we're leaving. Sorry for that, how are you?"

Me and Colton laughed.
She always talked to her kids, while being on the phone. You never knew if she was talking to you or not. You just had to guess.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Yeah, I'm good too. Hey, stop that"


"No, I'm sorry. I was talking to Ava" she laughed, "so, to what do I get the honor of your phone call so early in the morning?"

"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate you on your new nephew and get some more details"

"Thanks, you too. We're actually going there right now. Derek, please just sit down nicely. Your mommy's waiting for us. Anyway, she's doing okay now. She needed emergency surgery, but she and the baby are healthy"

"Why'd she need surgery?"

"His heart stopped during the delivery and he didn't wanna come out anymore, something like that"

"He's okay now?"

"Yeah, he's doing good"

"How's Tiff?"

"She's very tired. She has to stay another two days, but she's doing okay. Okay, everyone buckled up?"

"What's his name?"

"I actually don't know. I'll ask when we get there. We're on our way. I'll let you know, once I know. For the love of god, Ashley! What came into you today? I think you're gonna have to go back to wearing diapers" Demi said in frustration.

"I'm sorry mommy" Ashley cried.

"That's okay. Why didn't you go to the bathroom before we left? I told you to"

"I forgot"

"I'm sorry, Colton. I really gotta go. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Sure. Talk to you later. Bye"

"Bye" she hung up.

"She must be exhausted. She's taking care of Dylan's kids as well as her own. That's so tiring" I said.

"Yeah, she's so amazing. She takes them in like it's no big deal to have six young kids in the house. You know, while one's being potty trained, one just had chickenpox and one's a one year old baby. I don't think I'd be able to manage that"

"I don't think so either"

I was still amazed by how incredible Demi was. After all these years, I'm still not used to it.

"I gotta get going now. See you soon, babe. Love you" Colton kissed me, as he left for work, leaving me alone at home.
It was starting to get really boring being home alone every day. No job. No kids to take care of. Nothing to clean, cause everything is already done. I just have nothing to do.
I decided to call mom.

"Hi sweetheart"

"Hey mom. Congrats"

"Thank you, so have you see him already?"

"Nope. You?"

"I was there, silly" she laughed.

"Oh yeah, I could've guessed. So what exactly happened?"

"I'm not even sure. From what I understood, his heart stopped beating, halfway through the delivery. So, like, his head was almost out already, but she couldn't push, cause he didn't. So she was rushed into surgery. They did C-section. She's okay now. He's too. She has to stay another two days, and then she obviously needs to rest a lot. But they're both healthy now, thank god"

"Wow, that's intense"

"Yeah, it is. It was kinda scary seeing all that happen"

"You saw it?"

"No, I mean before they rushed her out of the room"

"Oh, yeah. I can imagine"

"So, you bored?"

"Yep. Super bored"

"Go find a job"

"No one's gonna hire a pregnant woman"

"You don't have to tell them"

"Mom, they can see it"

"Yeah, I know. Then go take a walk, or something. Or go help Demi, with all the kids. Or go pick up Bentley, Abigail and Joey from the airport"

"They're already here?"

"No, they're coming tomorrow"

"So, I can't pick them up now"

"I know that too"

"Then why do you say it?"

"Cause I had nothing else to say"

"Okay. You're being weird"

"I know. I'm just excited to have another baby in the family. You know, you all get babies at the same time. So now, we're gonna get a ton of grand babies and then you're all gonna stop having kids at the same time, and we're not gonna get any. Why don't you all just take turns, you know, so that it'll last longer?"

"I'm not even gonna take that serious" I chuckled.

"That's okay, I was just thinking about it, you know. I mean, we've got ten grandkids within six years. That's a lot. And you're also not gonna continue getting kids for another ten years, or you'll end up with a whole school in your house, so that means that if you all get kids now, you'll all be done within a few years and we'll have to wait till Kaden or Avallyn get married, to have new babies in the family"

"It's fun for cousins to be the same age, so they can play with each other. Colton is the youngest grandkid and he doesn't even know his oldest cousin that well, because he was like 16 when Colton was born, so by the time Colton was old enough to play with his cousins, he was too old for that, you know. It's more fun if they're young together and get a good relationship with each other. It keeps the family close"

"Yeah, you're right"

"I know. I'm always right"

"Of course you are" she laughed, "Anyway, I gotta go now. I'll talk to you later. Love you"

"Love you. Bye" I hung up.

Life is working against me.. It's working with all it's might, to do everything against me.. it's like everything I try to do, I always end up failing.. Nothing ever goes right..

Next update: Sunday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

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