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"Ashley, come here this minute!" I yelled from the bathroom.
She came running in.

"You're gonna go to the bathroom now, cause I don't want you to make your clothes wet, again"

"Don't wanna. I can go when I get to day care"

"No, we're leaving in two minutes and I would like to keep the car dry, so just cooperate with me and do your thing"


"Good" I said, as I walked out and made my way downstairs.

"Morning" Sean kissed me.

In the mornings, we usually came down at the same time and he would get ready, while I get the girls ready. Then he brings them to day care.
Today, I decided to bring the girls, cause I wanted to talk to their teacher and Sean never had time for that. He always had to rush to work after dropping them off.

"Morning. Did you have breakfast?" I asked.

"Not yet"

"So, take something. Should I make something for you quickly?"

"Don't worry, Demi. Go bring the girls and I'll take care of myself. It's okay"

"What time are you leaving?"

"Ten minutes"

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go now. Girl, we're leaving!" I yelled, as I put on Jack's coat.
He was still a little sick, but Sean had to go to work, so I had to take him along.

After all the kids were in the car, we drove to the day care. It wasn't very far. About a five minute drive.
Lauren and Derek also went there and Kaden did too, before he went to school.
It was a very good one for kids from the age of 2 to the age of 5. And the kids enjoyed it a lot.
I only started sending Ashley recently, cause I wanted her to go there only if she knew someone and Lauren started going, so I decided to sent her too.
I missed having her home all day, though. Well, sometimes it is relaxing with her not around, but I still miss her.

"Okay, kids. We're here" I said.
They both jumped out and I took Jack out.
I walked inside with them.

"That's our classroom, mommy" Avallyn said, excitingly, as we walked inside.

"Good morning, girls" their teacher greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning" they both replied, before giving me a kiss and a hug and running off to play.

"Hello, ms. Parker. It's nice to meet you" she said to me.

"Hi, you can call me Demi and it's nice to meet you, too" I smiled, "How are the girl doing?"

"They're doing great. Ashley's very social and talks to everyone. Avallyn's more quiet. She talks almost only to Derek, Lauren and Ashley. She does talk to other kids sometimes, but not very often. She's opening up more, though. And how old is this cutie?" she asked, pinching Jack's cheek.

"He's one"

"Oh, so he's coming next year?"

"I'm not sure, yet. I was wondering, though. Do you have kids older then five here?"

"Yeah, there's one boy that's six"

"Why is he still here?"

"He can't afford to go to school"

"Public school?"

"He lives in an orphanage and no one can bring him. The nearest school is a private school, but no one can pay for him. The public school, is too far away"

"How does he get here, then?"

"There are a few kids in that orphanage that come here, so they all go together with one of the care takers"

"Can't she drop him off a little further?"

"Look, ms. Parker, I don't know what exactly the situation is, but this is what I understood from it. Why do you want to know all this?"

"Cause this boy, scared my daughter"


"She keeps on asking if we really love her and if we're gonna leave her one day, cause this boy, apparently, told her that her parents don't love her and are gonna drop her at the orphanage, just like his parents did. I'm very sorry for him, but he doesn't have to scare my daughter. She shouldn't doubt our love for her" I said.

"I understand. I'll talk to him or to the care taker that brings him. I'm very sorry"

"That's okay, I just don't want my daughter to start crying again, cause she thinks we're gonna leave her"

"I'll do my best, ms. Parker. I'm really sorry"

"Thank you" I said, "Have a good day"

"You too" she said and I left.

I nursed Jack and put him to bed, when I came back home.
I decided to take a little nap, too. Jack's been up almost all night and I was exhausted.

I woke up to my phone ringing.


"Hey babe. I'm done early today. Want me to get the girls?" It was Sean.

"Sure. I'd like that"

"Okay. I'll be home in about two hours, okay?"

"Okay. Love you"

"Love you, too" he hung up, just as Jack woke up.

He was burning with fever, so I decided to take a little walk with him. Maybe it'll cool him off a little.
I put on his coat and put him in his stroller. Thankfully he didn't start crying.

I walked around the city a little. Stopped at the park for a few minutes. The weather was great. It wasn't too hot, nor too cold. I was really enjoying it.
As I came back home, I saw Rachel step out of her car, across the street.
She saw me and waved at me. I waved back.
I remembered the way mom and dad reacted to her, so decided to have her over for tea.

"Hey Rachel. Would you like to come over for tea and we can get to know each other a little?" I asked.

"Sure. I'd like that" she smiled and followed me inside my house.

Next update: Friday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

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