chapter 5: sleepover?

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I answer my phone quickly.

"H-hello?" I hesitate sounding quite wide awake.

"Hey," the deeper voice whispers, its corpse. Why is he calling me right now. Does he need me. Did I do something wrong.

"Its 5 am a-are you okay" I trail off getting more worried about the person that's over the phone.

"No, I'm not okay." Corpse states on the other side.

"O-oh. Do you wanna talk? " I hesitate

"No." Corpse replys

"Okay... that's fine what did you want to talk about instead then?" I  ask

"Sykkuno, I dont want to be alone tonight, can you.. could you maybe I dont know, come over?" corpse . Making me confused,

"W-what do you mean?" I say. There is a long awkward silence before he replys.

"C-can you come over sykkuno? " corpse trailing off shocking me.

"Like come over to your h-house?" I hesitate kind of nervous.

"Yeah. I'm sorry you were the first person I thought of, " corpse says.

"Oh, no it's okay um I'll be over soon then? Send me the address and stuff" i state to corpse reassuring him,

"Okay, goodbye sykkuno.  I'll see you soon." Corpse says hanging up the phone.

Am I really going to see what corpse looks like? Corpse husband. corpse, oh my god. I know I shouldnt but I'm a bit excited. I know he needs me so.

I jump up from my bed. Getting dressed into a sweatshirt and some pants with just some Van's. As I hop into my car seeing that corpse has texted me the address,

I've never been on this side of town before... I drive around town getting to his block but I am unable to find his house for some reason.


Corpse: are you here?

Sykkuno: um I cant really find your place.

Corpse: I'll come out and get you.

My hear skips a beat when I read that text message.  I park my car and look around for corpse.

"Sykkuno. " I hear the deepend voice coming from behind me which gives me the chills. I whip around looking at the dark figure.  Not being able to see his face since it's still dark out.

"Corpse," I exclaim softly staring at the figure, for some reason I'm getting this warm feeling just being around him. Like all my feelings before got washed away. Like I'm happy,

"Follow me." Corpse states, turning around walking towards his apartment. Which I follow behide.

We get to his apartment which he has no lights on. Expect for one light that is coming from his room, but which is red, he moves aside letting me walk in.

"Welcome'' he trails off looking around the house,

I nod my head looking around a bit.

"We could go sit in my room if you like." Corpse says.

"Alright. " I respond softly while he goes to his room, and I follow after him I watch him go in a sit on the bed.

As I sit right next to him, staring at him. Now getting a better view of his facial features,

"Staring is rude you know" corpse says looking at me. Making eye contact.

"O-oh I'm sorry! " i hesitate looking away quickly.

"Its fine." He says laughing a bit, which makes me look at him. Watching him flash his smile, which makes my face turn a light color of red, which you cant tell thank god because of his lights.

I lay down besides him staring at the red ceiling,

"You know. You have been the fastest person to see my face." Corpse speaks up.

"R-really?" I say looking back at the ceiling.

"Why dont you stay over tonight?" Corpse says.

"Um i- but I got to- okay um alright " I hesitate kind of awkwardly.

"I'll get you some clothes." Corpse says, getting up form the bed and walking over to his closet,

"Would these work?" Corpse says showing me a light blue short sleeved shirt and some grey sweatpants, I stare at the shirt sleeved,  remembering what my arms look like at the moment..

"Um.. could I maybe have uh a long sleeved?  I get um I get cold at night, yeah... yeah! I get cold at night" I say sounding a bit suspicious,

"Um okay?" Corpse says looking at me for a longer second, then pulling out a black long sleeved shirt for me,

"Would this work?" He says holding up the clothes in front if me, I start to nod my head, as he gives me the clothing items,

"The bathroom is it your left when you walk our of my room, I'll change in here so" corpse says grabbing some of his clothes, as I walk out of his room,

Spotting the bathroom, slipping on his clothes that he let me borrow,  they.. they smell like him, I kind of like it. Wait.. what. Is that weird to think about. I mean it's not weird if I like the way somebody smells right? This is confusing, what is corpse doing to me. I'll just.., not mention it to him.

I walk out of his bathroom walking back into his bedroom with my clothes I wore over here in my right hand,

"Oh you could put those in that corner" corpse exclaimed pointing to the corner of his bedroom, i walk over to there putting my clothes down and then looking at corpse.

He is wearing black sweatpants and a black T shirt..

"Thanks for the clothes..." I reply looking at the floor,

"There a bit over sized arent they?" Corpse asks me. As i walk over to him and I nod my head yes,

"Its okay, I dont really mind." I state looking around his room,

"Oh okay, cool. Your just small so." Corpse says, as I whip my head around looking at him.

"I AM NOT SMALL YOURE JUST... YOUR JUST... big? " I say pouting a bit,

Corpse starts to laugh at my out burst, "I'm glad you came, shortie" he laughs ruffling my hair,

"That's not fair I get to do it to you now!" I hesitate being a bit hesitant to touch his hair, almost like if I touch him he will disappear on me.

As corpse notices my hesitation, and moves his head closer to my hand, making me touch his head.

I slowly relax at finally being able to make skin contact with him, and I began to play with his hair,

"Your hair is kinda fluffy" I Express looking at him,

"Yeah I know, " he says laying his head onto my lap, making me flinch a bit,

"Yeah I guess but I like playing with yours" I say as I run my hand through his hair, looking down at him into his eyes.

As he slowly starts to close his pretty eyes, wait what did I just call corpses eyes pretty? I mean they are of course but isnt that odd? I dont know I feel i like...corpse? 

I couldn't like corpse I never could, or i wont let myself, that's not how it is right? My father said so.

I think to myself as I stare at his face still playing with his hair, I start to notice his breathing become softer and easier, is he falling alseep? Well I understand he looked very tired so,

I stayed there playing with his hair still, with the thought ringing in my head about me liking corpse.  I dont think he would ever like someone like me though...

(1.2k - 1260 words)

I'm happy you're alive. {corpskkuno} [Corpse X Sykkuno]]Where stories live. Discover now