chapter 7: cosplay?

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Corpse is helping me so much today, I feel lucky to have him as a friend... yeah, a friend...

I follow corpse out the apartment, as he swings the keys around hs fingers, he unlocks his car and opens up the passenger door for me,

"M'lady... or would it be M'guy? Hm m'lady sounds better, so mlady " corpse pondered,  pretending to bow infornt of me, putting one hand I front of his stomach and one on his back.

"Um. Uh thank you" I laughed a bit getting into the car and sitting, as he closes the door for me also. The cold leather hits my skin of my arms. Making me get small goosebumps onto my skin,

His car was quite clean, and he had a vanilla smell to it, I think it was a air freshener, I kind of like it, the smell of vanilla kind of suits corpse.  Hmm. I breath in through my nose getting another sniff of the sweet scent.

Corpse walks over to the other side and get in.
I give corpse the address and everything, as we start to drivehere, I dont really say anything all the ways there, untill we get to the actual place and corpse speaks first,

"Just text me when your done. Also send me a picture I want to see" corpse stated patting my h Um yeah okay, I guess I'll text you. " I hesitate as he stops patting my head putting it to his side and I hop out of his car,

He gives me a little wave which makes me smile a bit, covering it with my hand, then waving back, at him,

I knock on the door. And corpse pulls away, driving off, as stella opens the door,

"SYKKUNO! " she shouts sounding very excitedly.

"Um uh hey." I trailed off, looking at stella.

"Come in come in." She states moving and gesturing me to come in,

I walk in and we have a bit of small talk, and we started to get ready for the live stream. She set three different types of cake infront of us,

Also she got me and her some boba, which she asked before she got mine what my preference was, I'm sitting quite awkwardly in the chair, my stomach doing basically flips from the nervouseness,

As she starts the live stream,

"Welcome to my stream, wow" she laughed patting her hands on the table as so does the camera people do in the back,

"Hello everybody I am stella chuu and this Is stella transforms a show where i take an unsuspecting, person and I turn them into a character of their choice and I have today's guest, Sykkuno! " stella states introducing me. opening her arms to me,

"Um yup. What camera.." I hesitate pointing to all the cameras,

"Talk to every single camera introduce yourself to this camera" she giggles pointing at one,

"Um hi," I hesitate waving my hand a bit,

"And now this one." Stella she giggled pointing at another camera,

"Uh Hi" I pondered a bit, keeping my hand up,

"This one" she laughed pointing at the last camera.

Making me laugh a bit covering my smile with my hand,

"So you dont get to be on camera very often this is like your first really week of ever being public" she states clapping her hands a bit,

"We just started today," I add scratching the side of my temple,

"Yay! Okay let's eat some cake then. Cause that will put everybody at ease" stella cheered,  grabbing ahold of her straw and putting it into her boba cup, making a little pop noise happen

I'm happy you're alive. {corpskkuno} [Corpse X Sykkuno]]Where stories live. Discover now